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This function reads a geopackage file, updates its UTM coordinate column values, and optionally writes it back to the original path, a backup directory as a .csv and .RData file. This function wraps fpr_sp_assign_utm facilitating updating utm zone, easting and northing columns once geometries have been altered in QGIS.


  path_gpkg = NULL,
  dir_backup = "data/backup/",
  update_utm = TRUE,
  update_site_id = FALSE,
  write_back_to_path = FALSE,
  write_to_csv = TRUE,
  write_to_rdata = TRUE,
  return_object = FALSE,



A character string specifying the path to the geopackage file including only one layer. Default is NULL.


A character string specifying the directory for backup. Default is "data/backup/".


A logical value indicating whether to update the UTM coordinate columns with fpr_sp_assign_utm. Default is TRUE.


A logical value indicating whether to update the site_id column with fpr_tidy_assign_site_id. Default is TRUE.


A logical value indicating whether to write the updated geopackage back to the original path. Will overwrite existing gpkg if it is present and the layer is the same as the basename of the geopackage (ex. a layer named form_pscis_2023 will be written back to form_pscis_2023.gpkg). Default is FALSE.


A logical value indicating whether to write csv version of gpkg to file for versioning. Default is TRUE


A logical value indicating whether to write .RData object representation gpkg to file. Reason for storing the geopackage in this format is that is preserves the object exactly where as recreating the gpkg from csv will introduce small changes which appear to be only the removal of spaces. Default is TRUE


A logical value indicating whether to return the updated sf object. Default is FALSE.


Not used. Can be used to pass additional arguments to fpr::fpr_sp_assign_utm.


Depending on write and return switches write a backup of the geopackage to the specified directory as a .RData file containing an object named as the basename (without extension) of the input gpkg. Also a .csv file containing the gpkg represented as a data frame with the geometry column removed. The updated sf object can be returned to the global environment. Switch can be used to overwrite the existing geopackage it is reading if UTM coordinate columns and or site_id is updated updated.

See also