Cleaning up bib files flexibly with Zotero and R




May 27, 2024


May 27, 2024

Here we will clean up a bib file exported from Zotero using R to contain only the entries found in a Rmarkdown file.

here() starts at /Users/airvine/Projects/repo/new_graphiti

# get the name of this post directory
post_dir <- paste0(here::here(), "/posts/", params$post_dir_name)
post_dir_fig <- paste0(post_dir, "/fig/")

Let’s define our .bib files

rmd_file <- "~/Projects/repo/fish_passage_peace_2023_reporting/fish_passage_peace_2023_reporting.Rmd"
bib_file <- paste0(here::here(), "/assets/NewGraphEnvironment.bib")
output_file <- "~/Projects/repo/fish_passage_peace_2023_reporting/references.bib"

Here are the functions:

# Function to extract citations from an RMarkdown file
bib_extract_citations <- function(rmd_file, additional_citations = c()) {
  # Read the entire RMarkdown file
  lines <- readLines(rmd_file)
  # Concatenate all lines into a single string
  text <- paste(lines, collapse = " ")
  # Regular expression to find citations in the form of @this_citation or [@that_citation; @another_citation]
  citation_pattern <- "@[a-zA-Z0-9_:-]+"
  # Extract all citations
  citations <- str_extract_all(text, citation_pattern)[[1]]
  # Remove the leading '@' from the citations
  citations <- unique(sub("^@", "", citations))
  # Combine with additional citations
  all_citations <- unique(c(citations, additional_citations))

# Function to clean a BibTeX file to keep only cited entries
bib_clean <- function(bib_file, citations, output_file) {
  # Read the entire BibTeX file
  lines <- readLines(bib_file)
  # Initialize variables
  keep_entry <- FALSE
  cleaned_lines <- c()
  for (line in lines) {
    # Check if the line starts a new citation entry
    if (grepl("^@", line)) {
      # Extract the citation key
      citation_key <- sub("^@.*\\{([^,]+),.*", "\\1", line)
      # Determine if the entry should be kept
      keep_entry <- citation_key %in% citations
    # Add the line to cleaned_lines if the entry is to be kept
    if (keep_entry) {
      cleaned_lines <- c(cleaned_lines, line)
  # Write the cleaned lines to the output file
  writeLines(cleaned_lines, output_file)
  cat("Cleaned BibTeX file created:", output_file, "\n")
  1. Export our entire library from Zotero to a bib file in the assets directory of this repo. We don’t even change the name of the file.

As a big part of the motivation to do this is to reduce the bloat in our repositories we will add the default name of the bib file to the .gitignore of this repo.

knitr::include_graphics(paste0(post_dir_fig, "Screen Shot 2024-05-27 at 1.40.44 PM.png"))

knitr::include_graphics(paste0(post_dir_fig, "Screen Shot 2024-05-27 at 1.40.55 PM.png"))

Write a Cleaned up .bib file

We scan a .Rmd file for all the references cited within it. For bookdown projects we use an amalgamated file created during the build. To be able to access it after the build is complete we need to turn on in the _bookdown.yml file by setting the delete_merged_file: false option. This will create a file named whatever is entered in the book_filename: field in that same _bookdown.yml.

knitr::include_graphics(paste0(post_dir_fig, "Screen Shot 2024-05-27 at 1.52.16 PM.png"))

One more step:

The bibtex referenced extracted from our “mom” .bib file (ie. NewGraphEnvironment.bib) would not include references included in the nocite entry of the index.Rmd file unless we specifically include them in the function as additional_citations - so we need to remember to do that. Let’s add one for the sake of demonstration.

nocites <- c("busch_etal2013LandscapeLevelModel")

Extract citations from the RMarkdown file

# Extract citations from the RMarkdown file
citations <- bib_extract_citations(rmd_file, additional_citations = nocites)

Clean the BibTeX file to keep only cited entries

bib_clean(bib_file, citations, output_file)
Cleaned BibTeX file created: ~/Projects/repo/fish_passage_peace_2023_reporting/references.bib 


  1. This will not include references included in the nocite entry of the index.Rmd file unless we specifcally include them in the function as additional_citations so we need to remember to do that.