Really interested in quantifying and visualizing weather data for specific areas that we are working…. Here is a first start.
WARNING - this work is stolen!! I have adapted this from a repository on GitHub from the wonderfully talented Milos Popovic. All credit to Milos! What a boss - really awesome stuff.
Also of note is the image used for the blog. That is Cotey Gallagher… I hope she doesn’t sue me.
First thing we will do is load our packages. If you do not have the packages installed yet you can change the update_pkgs param in the yml of this file to TRUE. Using pak is great because it allows you to update your packages when you want to.
pkgs_cran <-c("here","fs","pRecipe","giscoR","terra","tidyverse","rayshader","sf","classInt","rgl")pkgs_gh <-c("poissonconsulting/pgfeatureserv","poissonconsulting/fwapgr","NewGraphEnvironment/rfp"# we will turn this off since the function it uses won't run for folks without db credentials# "NewGraphEnvironment/fpr" )pkgs <-c(pkgs_cran, pkgs_gh)if(params$update_pkgs){# install the pkgslapply(pkgs, pak::pkg_install,ask =FALSE)}# load the pkgspkgs_ld <-c(pkgs_cran,basename(pkgs_gh))invisible(lapply(pkgs_ld, require,character.only =TRUE))
Define our Area of Interest
Here we diverge a bit from Milos version as we are going to load a custom area of interest. We will be connecting to our remote database using Poisson Consulting’s fwapgr::fwa_watershed_at_measure function which leverages the in database FWA_WatershedAtMeasure function from Simon Norris’ wonderful fwapg package.
We use a blue line key and a downstream route measure to define our area of interest which is the Neexdzii Kwa (a.k.a Upper Bulkley River) near Houston, British Columbia.
Uniquely identifies a single flow line such that a main channel and a secondary channel with the same watershed code would have different blue line keys (the Fraser River and all side channels have different blue line keys).
A downstream route measure is:
The distance, in meters, along the route from the mouth of the route to the feature. This distance is measured from the mouth of the containing route to the downstream end of the feature.
# lets build a custom watersehed just for upstream of the confluence of Neexdzii Kwa and Wetzin Kwa# blueline keyblk <-360873822# downstream route measuredrm <-166030.4aoi <- fwapgr::fwa_watershed_at_measure(blue_line_key = blk, downstream_route_measure = drm) |> sf::st_transform(4326)
# let's create our data directorydir_data <- here::here('posts', params$post_dir_name, "data")fs::dir_create(dir_data)
To actually download the data we are going to put a chunk option that allows us to just execute the code once and update it with the update_gis param in our yml. We will use usethis::use_git_ignore to add the data to our .gitignore file so that we do not commit that insano enourmouse file to our git repository.
Now we read in our freshly downloaded .nc file and clip to our area of interest.
# get the name of the file with a .nc at the endnc_file <- fs::dir_ls(dir_data, glob ="*.nc")mswep_data <- terra::rast( nc_file) |>terra::crop( aoi)
Next we extract the years of the data from the filename of the .nc file and then transform the data into a dataframe. We need to remove the data from 2023 because it is only for January as per the filename:
# the names of the datasets are arbitrary (precipitation_1:precipitation_45) # we will rename the datasets to the years. # here we extract 2023 from the nc_file name of the file using regexyear_end <-as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(basename(nc_file), "(?<=_\\d{6}_)\\d{4}"))year_start <-as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(basename(nc_file), "(?<=_)[0-9]{4}(?=[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{6}_)"))# assign the names to replace names(mswep_data) <- year_start:year_endmswep_df <- mswep_data |> =TRUE) |> tidyr::pivot_longer(!c("x", "y"),names_to ="year",values_to ="precipitation" ) |># 2023 is not complete so we remove it dplyr::filter(year !=2023)
Get Additional Data
We could use some data for context such as major streams, highways and the railway. We get the streams and railway from data distribution bc api using the bcdata package. Our rfp package calls just allow some extra sanity checks on the bcdata::bcdc_query_geodata function. It’s not really necessary but can be helpful when errors occur (ex. the name of the column to filter on is input incorrectly).
# grab all the railwaysl_rail <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(bcdata_record_id = stringr::str_to_upper("whse_basemapping.gba_railway_tracks_sp")) |> sf::st_transform(4326) |> janitor::clean_names() # streams in the bulkley and then filter to just keep the big onesl_streams <- rfp::rfp_bcd_get_data(bcdata_record_id = stringr::str_to_upper("whse_basemapping.fwa_stream_networks_sp"),col_filter = stringr::str_to_upper("watershed_group_code"),col_filter_value ="BULK",# grab a smaller object by including less columnscol_extract = stringr::str_to_upper(c("linear_feature_id", "stream_order"))) |> sf::st_transform(4326) |> janitor::clean_names() |> dplyr::filter(stream_order >4)
Because the highways we use in our mapping are not available for direct download from the Data Distribution BC api (some other versions are here we will query them from our remote database. The function used (fpr::fpr_db_query) is a wrapper around the DBI::dbGetQuery function that allows us to query our remote database by calling our environmental variables and making a connection. This will not work without the proper credentials so if you were trying to reproduce this and don’t have the credentials you won’t be able to retrieve the roads. To get around this we have stored the trimmed roads data in the data directory of this post so we can read it in from there.
# highways# define the type of roads we want to include using the transport_line_type_code. We will include RA1 and RH1 (Road arerial/highway major)rd_codes <-c("RA1", "RH1")l_rds <- fpr::fpr_db_query(query = glue::glue("SELECT transport_line_id, structured_name_1, transport_line_type_code, geom FROM whse_basemapping.transport_line WHERE transport_line_type_code IN ({glue::glue_collapse(glue::single_quote(rd_codes), sep = ', ')})") )|> sf::st_transform(4326) sf::st_intersection(l_rds, # we will remove all the aoi columns except the geometry so we don't get all the aoi columns appended aoi |> dplyr::select(geometry)) |> sf::st_write(here::here('posts', params$post_dir_name, "data", "l_rds.gpkg"), delete_dsn =TRUE)
Now we trim up all those layers. We have some functions to validate and repair geometries and then we clip them to our area of interest.
# we don't actually need to trim the rds since we already did that but for simplicity we will do it again l_rds <- sf::st_read(here::here('posts', params$post_dir_name, "data", "l_rds.gpkg"), quiet =TRUE) layers_to_trim <- tibble::lst(l_rail, l_streams, l_rds)# Function to validate and repair geometriesvalidate_geometries <-function(layer) { layer <- sf::st_make_valid(layer) layer <- layer[sf::st_is_valid(layer), ]return(layer)}# Apply validation to the AOI and layersaoi <-validate_geometries(aoi)layers_to_trim <- purrr::map(layers_to_trim, validate_geometries)# clip them with purrr and sflayers_trimmed <- purrr::map( layers_to_trim,~ sf::st_intersection(.x, aoi))
Plot the Precipitation Data by Year
First thing we do here is highjack the plot function from Milos.
theme_for_the_win <-function(){theme_minimal() +theme(axis.line =element_blank(),axis.title.x =element_blank(),axis.title.y =element_blank(),axis.text.x =element_blank(),axis.text.y =element_blank(),legend.position ="right",legend.title =element_text(size =11, color ="grey10" ),legend.text =element_text(size =10, color ="grey10" ),panel.grid.major =element_line(color =NA ),panel.grid.minor =element_line(color =NA ),plot.background =element_rect(fill =NA, color =NA ),legend.background =element_rect(fill ="white", color =NA ),panel.border =element_rect(fill =NA, color =NA ),plot.margin =unit(c(t =0, r =0,b =0, l =0 ), "lines" ) )}breaks <- classInt::classIntervals( mswep_df$precipitation,n =5,style ="equal")$brkscolors <-hcl.colors(n =length(breaks),palette ="Temps",rev =TRUE)
Pretty cool. Interesting to see really wet and dry years in the last 20 years or so such as the wet ones in 2004, 2007, 2011 and 2020 and the dry ones in 2000, 2010, 2014, 2021 and 2022. The contours on the maps are really interesting as they show the gradients which generally run west to east - but occasionally run south to north.
Average Precipitation
Now we will average all the years together to get an average precipitation map. We will add our additional layers for context too. Roads are black, railways are yellow and streams are blue.
Compare the Average Precipitation to a Specific Year
We often talk about a “dry” year or a “wet” year. Let’s compare the average precipitation to a specific year. We will build a little function to do this so that we can easily compare any year to the average.