here() starts at /Users/airvine/Projects/repo/new_graphiti
May 24, 2024
May 27, 2024
Here we will set up an s3 bucket with a policy that allows the public to read from the bucket, but not from a specific directory, and allows a particular aws_account_id
user as well as a defined user
to write to the bucket.
Although we are stoked on the s3fs
package for working with s3 buckets, we will use the paws
package more than perhaps necessary here - only to learn about how it all works. Seems like s3fs
is the way to go for common moves but paws
is the “mom” providing the structure and guidance to that package.
here() starts at /Users/airvine/Projects/repo/new_graphiti
List our current buckets
[1] "23cog"
[1] "2023-03-17 00:07:12 GMT"
[1] "al"
[1] "f5267b02e31758d1efea79b4eaef5d0423efb3e6a54ab869dc860bcc68ebae2d"
Let’s create a bucket called the same name as this repository.
to write to the bucket. Plus + it allows you to provide Presigned URLs
so we can provide temporary access to private objects without having to change the overall bucket or object permissions.Key thing here is that if we want a user to override the policy placed on a directory or file after we Deny
access we need to add a condition to the policy that exempts the user (paste0("arn:aws:iam::", aws_account_id, ":user/", user_access_permission)
) from the Deny
aws_policy_write <- function(bucket_name,
write_json = FALSE,
dir_output = "policy",
file_name = "policy.json") {
policy <- list(
Version = "2012-10-17",
Statement = list(
Effect = "Allow",
Principal = "*",
Action = "s3:GetObject",
Resource = paste0("arn:aws:s3:::", bucket_name, "/*")
Effect = "Deny",
Principal = "*",
Action = "s3:GetObject",
Resource = paste0("arn:aws:s3:::", bucket_name, "/", bucket_dir_private, "/*"),
# IMPORTANT - Denies everyone from getting objects from the private directory except for user_access_permission
Condition = list(
StringNotEquals = list(
"aws:PrincipalArn" = paste0("arn:aws:iam::", aws_account_id, ":user/", user_access_permission)
Effect = "Allow",
Principal = list(AWS = paste0("arn:aws:iam::", aws_account_id, ":root")),
Action = c("s3:DeleteObject", "s3:PutObject"),
Resource = paste0("arn:aws:s3:::", bucket_name, "/*")
#going to leave this here for now
# list(
# Effect = "Allow",
# Principal = list(AWS = paste0("arn:aws:iam::", aws_account_id, ":user/", user_access_permission)),
# Action = c("s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:ListBucket"),
# Resource = paste0("arn:aws:s3:::", bucket_name)
# ),
# list(
# Effect = "Allow",
# Principal = list(AWS = paste0("arn:aws:iam::", aws_account_id, ":user/", user_access_permission)),
# Action = "s3:GetObject",
# Resource = paste0("arn:aws:s3:::", bucket_name, "/*")
# )
json_policy <- jsonlite::toJSON(policy, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
if (write_json) {
dir.create(dir_output, showWarnings = FALSE)
output_path <- file.path(dir_output, file_name)
write(json_policy, file = output_path)
message("Policy written to ", output_path)
} else {
Now we can write the policy to the bucket.
# run the function to build the json policy statement
my_policy <- aws_policy_write(bucket_name = my_bucket_name,
bucket_dir_private = "private",
aws_account_id = Sys.getenv("AWS_ACCOUNT_ID"),
user_access_permission = "airvine",
write_json = FALSE
# push the policy to the bucket
Bucket = my_bucket_name,
Policy = my_policy,
ExpectedBucketOwner = Sys.getenv("AWS_ACCOUNT_ID")
First we add a photo to the main bucket. Going to use s3fs
for this since I haven’t actually done just one file yet… We are using the here
package to get the path to the image due to rendering complexities.
[1] "s3://new-graphiti/image.jpg"
Then we add one to the private directory.
Let’s see if we can add the images to this post.
Create the paths to the images.
Access the public image.
Good to go.
And now access the private image.
💣 Jackpot! We have the image in the “private” bucket so can’t access them from the post without permission.
Because we granted ourselves access to the private directory and our IAM
roles have the correct privileges, we can create a Presigned URL
to provide temporary access to the private image. We will set the maximum of 7 days for the URL to be valid. That means that at 2024-06-03 14:48 the URL will no longer work and the image below will no longer render in this post!
# this is the cmd line way
url_file_share <- s3_dir_ls(paste0(bucket_path, "/private"))
command <- "aws"
args <- c('s3', 'presign', url_file_share, '--expires-in', '604800')
working_directory = here::here() #we could just remove from funciton to get the current wd but its nice to have so we leave
# loaded this function from the other file. should put in functions file or package
In order to rerun our post we need to delete the bucket. When we do rerun - we use the s3fs
package to do it