::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, dpi=60, out.width = "100%")
options(knitr.kable.NA = '--') #'--'
options(knitr.kable.NAN = '--')
May 7, 2024
Been preferring snakecase
naming convention for all files and columns and variables for a long time for the following reasons:
than CamelCase
things in a fashion that allows you to dissect, what, something, is by the way it is named and allows automatic sorting to group similar things together. This presentation by Jenny Bryan is a good read - noting that sometimes-rules-need-to-be-broken
sometimes such as when you are naming chunks in Rmarkdown
. It breaks our cross-references
As we see here though - it doesn’t matter in Quarto
(ex. see Figure 1) vs Figure 2).
“no names have an anonymous function”.