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This function is superseded by ngr_str_replace_in_files(). Please use ngr_str_replace_in_files() for future implementations since it is safer and allows user to review replacements before performing them.

This function performs a bulk find-and-replace operation on a given set of files. It replaces occurrences of text_current with text_replace using sed, while handling word boundaries and trailing punctuation.


ngr_sed_replace_in_files(text_current, text_replace, files)



A character string representing the text to be replaced.


A character string representing the replacement text.


A character vector of file paths where the replacement should be applied.


Invisibly returns the result of the processx::run command.


Running this example will result in modifications to the specified files. Ensure you are working with test files or have backups before running the function.

See also

processx::run() for running system commands.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Example usage:
# Define the strings to replace and their replacements
keys_matched <- data.frame(
  key_missing = c("exampleOldText", "anotherOldValue"),
  key_missing_guess_match = c("exampleNewText", "anotherNewValue"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# Example files (replace these paths with your own test files)
file_list <- c("test_file1.txt", "test_file2.txt")

# Run the replacements (note: this will modify the specified files!)
  .x = keys_matched$key_missing,
  .y = keys_matched$key_missing_guess_match,
  ~ ngr_sed_replace_in_files(text_current = .x, text_replace = .y, files = file_list)
} # }