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This function processes a block of text containing citation keys (e.g., @doe2020) and converts them to inline references using Pandoc. The function supports custom bibliography and CSL (Citation Style Language) files.

This function applies the xct_keys_to_inline transformation to a specified column in a data frame. It validates the inputs, checks that the specified column exists in the data frame, and replaces citation keys with inline citations.


xct_keys_to_inline(text, path_bib, csl_file = NULL)

  dat = NULL,
  col_format = NULL,
  path_bib = "references.bib"



A character vector containing text with citation keys (e.g., @doe2020).


A file path to the bibliography file (.bib) used for citation keys. Defaults to "references.bib" in the current working directory.


A string specifying the path to the CSL file (e.g., apa.csl). Default is NULL, which uses Pandoc's default citation style.


A data frame containing the column to transform.


A string specifying the name of the column to transform.


A character vector with inline references replacing the citation keys.

A data frame with the specified column transformed.


# Path to a BibTeX file included in the package
path_bib <- system.file("extdata", "references.bib", package = "xciter")

# Example data frame
dat <- data.frame(
  id = 1:3,
  bib_keys = c(
    "Outside block quotes @busch_etal2011LandscapeLevelModela and in [@woll_etal2017SalmonEcological]",
    "This is many [@busch_etal2011LandscapeLevelModela; @woll_etal2017SalmonEcological; @kirsch_etal2014Fishinventory]",
    "this is a failed key @key3")

# Process the data frame
result <- xct_keys_to_inline_table_col(dat, col_format = "bib_keys", path_bib = path_bib)
#>   id
#> 1  1
#> 2  2
#> 3  3
#>                                                                                             bib_keys
#> 1                    Outside block quotes Busch et al. (2011) and in (Woll, Albert, and Whited 2017)
#> 2 This is many (Busch et al. 2011; Woll, Albert, and Whited 2017; Kirsch, Buckwalter, and Reed 2014)
#> 3                                                                       this is a failed key (key3?)