
mybookdown-template 0.0.6 (2024-08-09)

  • switch to bookdown::render_book vs rmarkdown::render_site so we can pass params in build arguments #57
  • Move gitbook_on to param #58
  • Update .bib dynamically with conditional update_bib param

mybookdown-template 0.0.5

  • 20240514
  • Move session_info.csv to data folder and fix url link

mybookdown-template 0.0.4

  • 20240410
  • add fpr::fpr_kable to intro
  • remove getwd from run.R
  • stop keeping the merged_file (mybookdown_template.Rmd)
  • packages.R now uses pak

mybookdown-template 0.0.2

  • 20220516
  • add references.bib
  • add file
  • update
  • update logos
  • put date on line with version numbers
  • tighten packages and functions