9 File Types

When you are looking through the repos you will notice that we use many different file types. Here is some more info on some of them.

9.1 Dotfiles

  • Dotfiles are configuration files used by computer programs to manage their functionality.

  • For example, after setting up and configuring Git, Git will automatically create a .gitconfig file which contains your information and settings. Git will then use this file to configure your info and settings every time you use it.

  • Dotfiles are handy because they are unique to you. You can use them to customize your settings and aesthetics. Dotfiles also allow you to set up the exact same settings on another machine.

  • Some common changes people add to dotfiles are:

    • Personalized aesthetics
    • Adding git and shell aliases
    • Adding functions
  • Check out our dotfiles repo for some ideas.

  • Many of the things we customize in dotfiles are used to make our workflow quicker and simpler. For example, aliases and functions.

Aliases and functions