5 Git and Github

First thing to get familiar with is Git and Github, they will be your new best friends! Make sure you have gone through [#R, Rstudio, Git and Github] before continuing on.

5.1 Git

  • Git is a version control system that among other things lets you manage and keep track of your source code history. We use Git everyday to keep track of of the edits we make allowing us to work on the same projects at the same time and facilitating rolling back of changes when necessary.

  • Happy with Git is a great reference for getting started with integrating Git and Github with R and Rmarkdown through Rstudio.

  • Git commands are used in the terminal (or Git window of Rstudio) to perform a variety of functions. The official git documents are stored here with a few key ones from the terminal below to get you started.

Here are some git commands to become familiar with:

  • git init - initializes local git repo
  • git add <filename> - adds file to staging area
  • git add . -adds all files to staging area
  • git status -check status of working tree (files in staging area)
  • git commit - puts everything from staging area into local repo
  • git push - moves local repo to remote repo
  • git pull - moves latest remote repo to local repo
  • git clone - clones repo into a new directory
  • git branch - adds branch
  • git help -a/c/g etc. adding a tag will pull up specific help info, -a will bring up all help, -c configuration info, more tag info is available here
  • More commands here Top 20 git commands with examples

Note - use the Show/Hide Code button top right to see the chunk inputs used to generate the chunk outputs:

Click here to see the Rmarkdown chunk output of git help when we set the chunk engine.option to bash.
# if the engine type was r we would write system2(command = "git", args = c("-h"))
git help
## usage: git [-v | --version] [-h | --help] [-C <path>] [-c <name>=<value>]
##            [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]
##            [-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare]
##            [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]
##            [--super-prefix=<path>] [--config-env=<name>=<envvar>]
##            <command> [<args>]
## These are common Git commands used in various situations:
## start a working area (see also: git help tutorial)
##    clone     Clone a repository into a new directory
##    init      Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
## work on the current change (see also: git help everyday)
##    add       Add file contents to the index
##    mv        Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
##    restore   Restore working tree files
##    rm        Remove files from the working tree and from the index
## examine the history and state (see also: git help revisions)
##    bisect    Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug
##    diff      Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
##    grep      Print lines matching a pattern
##    log       Show commit logs
##    show      Show various types of objects
##    status    Show the working tree status
## grow, mark and tweak your common history
##    branch    List, create, or delete branches
##    commit    Record changes to the repository
##    merge     Join two or more development histories together
##    rebase    Reapply commits on top of another base tip
##    reset     Reset current HEAD to the specified state
##    switch    Switch branches
##    tag       Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
## collaborate (see also: git help workflows)
##    fetch     Download objects and refs from another repository
##    pull      Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
##    push      Update remote refs along with associated objects
## 'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some
## concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'
## to read about a specific subcommand or concept.
## See 'git help git' for an overview of the system.

Click here to see the Rmarkdown chunk output from adding one of the -a, c or g options to pull up specific help info (-a will bring up all help, -c configuration info) (ex. on command line - git help -a).
# more detail with the -a option 
# with chunk engine option set to bash - command would be git help -a

system2(command = "git", args = c("-h", "-a"), stdout = TRUE)
##   [1] "See 'git help <command>' to read about a specific subcommand"                                                                                                
##   [2] ""                                                                                                                                                            
##   [3] "Main Porcelain Commands"                                                                                                                                     
##   [4] "   add                     Add file contents to the index"                                                                                                   
##   [5] "   am                      Apply a series of patches from a mailbox"                                                                                         
##   [6] "   archive                 Create an archive of files from a named tree"                                                                                     
##   [7] "   bisect                  Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug"                                                                       
##   [8] "   branch                  List, create, or delete branches"                                                                                                 
##   [9] "   bundle                  Move objects and refs by archive"                                                                                                 
##  [10] "   checkout                Switch branches or restore working tree files"                                                                                    
##  [11] "   cherry-pick             Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits"                                                                            
##  [12] "   citool                  Graphical alternative to git-commit"                                                                                              
##  [13] "   clean                   Remove untracked files from the working tree"                                                                                     
##  [14] "   clone                   Clone a repository into a new directory"                                                                                          
##  [15] "   commit                  Record changes to the repository"                                                                                                 
##  [16] "   describe                Give an object a human readable name based on an available ref"                                                                   
##  [17] "   diff                    Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc"                                                                       
##  [18] "   fetch                   Download objects and refs from another repository"                                                                                
##  [19] "   format-patch            Prepare patches for e-mail submission"                                                                                            
##  [20] "   gc                      Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository"                                                                      
##  [21] "   gitk                    The Git repository browser"                                                                                                       
##  [22] "   grep                    Print lines matching a pattern"                                                                                                   
##  [23] "   gui                     A portable graphical interface to Git"                                                                                            
##  [24] "   init                    Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one"                                                                   
##  [25] "   log                     Show commit logs"                                                                                                                 
##  [26] "   maintenance             Run tasks to optimize Git repository data"                                                                                        
##  [27] "   merge                   Join two or more development histories together"                                                                                  
##  [28] "   mv                      Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink"                                                                                 
##  [29] "   notes                   Add or inspect object notes"                                                                                                      
##  [30] "   pull                    Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch"                                                               
##  [31] "   push                    Update remote refs along with associated objects"                                                                                 
##  [32] "   range-diff              Compare two commit ranges (e.g. two versions of a branch)"                                                                        
##  [33] "   rebase                  Reapply commits on top of another base tip"                                                                                       
##  [34] "   reset                   Reset current HEAD to the specified state"                                                                                        
##  [35] "   restore                 Restore working tree files"                                                                                                       
##  [36] "   revert                  Revert some existing commits"                                                                                                     
##  [37] "   rm                      Remove files from the working tree and from the index"                                                                            
##  [38] "   scalar                  A tool for managing large Git repositories"                                                                                       
##  [39] "   shortlog                Summarize 'git log' output"                                                                                                       
##  [40] "   show                    Show various types of objects"                                                                                                    
##  [41] "   sparse-checkout         Reduce your working tree to a subset of tracked files"                                                                            
##  [42] "   stash                   Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"                                                                              
##  [43] "   status                  Show the working tree status"                                                                                                     
##  [44] "   submodule               Initialize, update or inspect submodules"                                                                                         
##  [45] "   switch                  Switch branches"                                                                                                                  
##  [46] "   tag                     Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"                                                                      
##  [47] "   worktree                Manage multiple working trees"                                                                                                    
##  [48] ""                                                                                                                                                            
##  [49] "Ancillary Commands / Manipulators"                                                                                                                           
##  [50] "   config                  Get and set repository or global options"                                                                                         
##  [51] "   fast-export             Git data exporter"                                                                                                                
##  [52] "   fast-import             Backend for fast Git data importers"                                                                                              
##  [53] "   filter-branch           Rewrite branches"                                                                                                                 
##  [54] "   mergetool               Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts"                                                                   
##  [55] "   pack-refs               Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access"                                                                              
##  [56] "   prune                   Prune all unreachable objects from the object database"                                                                           
##  [57] "   reflog                  Manage reflog information"                                                                                                        
##  [58] "   remote                  Manage set of tracked repositories"                                                                                               
##  [59] "   repack                  Pack unpacked objects in a repository"                                                                                            
##  [60] "   replace                 Create, list, delete refs to replace objects"                                                                                     
##  [61] ""                                                                                                                                                            
##  [62] "Ancillary Commands / Interrogators"                                                                                                                          
##  [63] "   annotate                Annotate file lines with commit information"                                                                                      
##  [64] "   blame                   Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file"                                                                  
##  [65] "   bugreport               Collect information for user to file a bug report"                                                                                
##  [66] "   count-objects           Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption"                                                                      
##  [67] "   diagnose                Generate a zip archive of diagnostic information"                                                                                 
##  [68] "   difftool                Show changes using common diff tools"                                                                                             
##  [69] "   fsck                    Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database"                                                            
##  [70] "   gitweb                  Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"                                                                             
##  [71] "   help                    Display help information about Git"                                                                                               
##  [72] "   instaweb                Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb"                                                                               
##  [73] "   merge-tree              Perform merge without touching index or working tree"                                                                             
##  [74] "   rerere                  Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges"                                                                                   
##  [75] "   show-branch             Show branches and their commits"                                                                                                  
##  [76] "   verify-commit           Check the GPG signature of commits"                                                                                               
##  [77] "   verify-tag              Check the GPG signature of tags"                                                                                                  
##  [78] "   version                 Display version information about Git"                                                                                            
##  [79] "   whatchanged             Show logs with difference each commit introduces"                                                                                 
##  [80] ""                                                                                                                                                            
##  [81] "Interacting with Others"                                                                                                                                     
##  [82] "   archimport              Import a GNU Arch repository into Git"                                                                                            
##  [83] "   cvsexportcommit         Export a single commit to a CVS checkout"                                                                                         
##  [84] "   cvsimport               Salvage your data out of another SCM people love to hate"                                                                         
##  [85] "   cvsserver               A CVS server emulator for Git"                                                                                                    
##  [86] "   imap-send               Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder"                                                                        
##  [87] "   p4                      Import from and submit to Perforce repositories"                                                                                  
##  [88] "   quiltimport             Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch"                                                                                 
##  [89] "   request-pull            Generates a summary of pending changes"                                                                                           
##  [90] "   send-email              Send a collection of patches as emails"                                                                                           
##  [91] "   svn                     Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"                                                                  
##  [92] ""                                                                                                                                                            
##  [93] "Low-level Commands / Manipulators"                                                                                                                           
##  [94] "   apply                   Apply a patch to files and/or to the index"                                                                                       
##  [95] "   checkout-index          Copy files from the index to the working tree"                                                                                    
##  [96] "   commit-graph            Write and verify Git commit-graph files"                                                                                          
##  [97] "   commit-tree             Create a new commit object"                                                                                                       
##  [98] "   hash-object             Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a file"                                                                      
##  [99] "   index-pack              Build pack index file for an existing packed archive"                                                                             
## [100] "   merge-file              Run a three-way file merge"                                                                                                       
## [101] "   merge-index             Run a merge for files needing merging"                                                                                            
## [102] "   mktag                   Creates a tag object with extra validation"                                                                                       
## [103] "   mktree                  Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text"                                                                                  
## [104] "   multi-pack-index        Write and verify multi-pack-indexes"                                                                                              
## [105] "   pack-objects            Create a packed archive of objects"                                                                                               
## [106] "   prune-packed            Remove extra objects that are already in pack files"                                                                              
## [107] "   read-tree               Reads tree information into the index"                                                                                            
## [108] "   symbolic-ref            Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"                                                                                            
## [109] "   unpack-objects          Unpack objects from a packed archive"                                                                                             
## [110] "   update-index            Register file contents in the working tree to the index"                                                                          
## [111] "   update-ref              Update the object name stored in a ref safely"                                                                                    
## [112] "   write-tree              Create a tree object from the current index"                                                                                      
## [113] ""                                                                                                                                                            
## [114] "Low-level Commands / Interrogators"                                                                                                                          
## [115] "   cat-file                Provide content or type and size information for repository objects"                                                              
## [116] "   cherry                  Find commits yet to be applied to upstream"                                                                                       
## [117] "   diff-files              Compares files in the working tree and the index"                                                                                 
## [118] "   diff-index              Compare a tree to the working tree or index"                                                                                      
## [119] "   diff-tree               Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects"                                                                
## [120] "   for-each-ref            Output information on each ref"                                                                                                   
## [121] "   for-each-repo           Run a Git command on a list of repositories"                                                                                      
## [122] "   get-tar-commit-id       Extract commit ID from an archive created using git-archive"                                                                      
## [123] "   ls-files                Show information about files in the index and the working tree"                                                                   
## [124] "   ls-remote               List references in a remote repository"                                                                                           
## [125] "   ls-tree                 List the contents of a tree object"                                                                                               
## [126] "   merge-base              Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge"                                                                            
## [127] "   name-rev                Find symbolic names for given revs"                                                                                               
## [128] "   pack-redundant          Find redundant pack files"                                                                                                        
## [129] "   rev-list                Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"                                                                              
## [130] "   rev-parse               Pick out and massage parameters"                                                                                                  
## [131] "   show-index              Show packed archive index"                                                                                                        
## [132] "   show-ref                List references in a local repository"                                                                                            
## [133] "   unpack-file             Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"                                                                                  
## [134] "   var                     Show a Git logical variable"                                                                                                      
## [135] "   verify-pack             Validate packed Git archive files"                                                                                                
## [136] ""                                                                                                                                                            
## [137] "Low-level Commands / Syncing Repositories"                                                                                                                   
## [138] "   daemon                  A really simple server for Git repositories"                                                                                      
## [139] "   fetch-pack              Receive missing objects from another repository"                                                                                  
## [140] "   http-backend            Server side implementation of Git over HTTP"                                                                                      
## [141] "   send-pack               Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"                                                                             
## [142] "   update-server-info      Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"                                                                                  
## [143] ""                                                                                                                                                            
## [144] "Low-level Commands / Internal Helpers"                                                                                                                       
## [145] "   check-attr              Display gitattributes information"                                                                                                
## [146] "   check-ignore            Debug gitignore / exclude files"                                                                                                  
## [147] "   check-mailmap           Show canonical names and email addresses of contacts"                                                                             
## [148] "   check-ref-format        Ensures that a reference name is well formed"                                                                                     
## [149] "   column                  Display data in columns"                                                                                                          
## [150] "   credential              Retrieve and store user credentials"                                                                                              
## [151] "   credential-cache        Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory"                                                                                  
## [152] "   credential-store        Helper to store credentials on disk"                                                                                              
## [153] "   fmt-merge-msg           Produce a merge commit message"                                                                                                   
## [154] "   hook                    Run git hooks"                                                                                                                    
## [155] "   interpret-trailers      Add or parse structured information in commit messages"                                                                           
## [156] "   mailinfo                Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail message"                                                                       
## [157] "   mailsplit               Simple UNIX mbox splitter program"                                                                                                
## [158] "   merge-one-file          The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index"                                                                          
## [159] "   patch-id                Compute unique ID for a patch"                                                                                                    
## [160] "   sh-i18n                 Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"                                                                                          
## [161] "   sh-setup                Common Git shell script setup code"                                                                                               
## [162] "   stripspace              Remove unnecessary whitespace"                                                                                                    
## [163] ""                                                                                                                                                            
## [164] "User-facing repository, command and file interfaces"                                                                                                         
## [165] "   attributes              Defining attributes per path"                                                                                                     
## [166] "   cli                     Git command-line interface and conventions"                                                                                       
## [167] "   hooks                   Hooks used by Git"                                                                                                                
## [168] "   ignore                  Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"                                                                                
## [169] "   mailmap                 Map author/committer names and/or E-Mail addresses"                                                                               
## [170] "   modules                 Defining submodule properties"                                                                                                    
## [171] "   repository-layout       Git Repository Layout"                                                                                                            
## [172] "   revisions               Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"                                                                                          
## [173] ""                                                                                                                                                            
## [174] "Developer-facing file formats, protocols and other interfaces"                                                                                               
## [175] "   format-bundle           The bundle file format"                                                                                                           
## [176] "   format-chunk            Chunk-based file formats"                                                                                                         
## [177] "   format-commit-graph     Git commit-graph format"                                                                                                          
## [178] "   format-index            Git index format"                                                                                                                 
## [179] "   format-pack             Git pack format"                                                                                                                  
## [180] "   format-signature        Git cryptographic signature formats"                                                                                              
## [181] "   protocol-capabilities   Protocol v0 and v1 capabilities"                                                                                                  
## [182] "   protocol-common         Things common to various protocols"                                                                                               
## [183] "   protocol-http           Git HTTP-based protocols"                                                                                                         
## [184] "   protocol-pack           How packs are transferred over-the-wire"                                                                                          
## [185] "   protocol-v2             Git Wire Protocol, Version 2"                                                                                                     
## [186] ""                                                                                                                                                            
## [187] "External commands"                                                                                                                                           
## [188] "   lfs"                                                                                                                                                      
## [189] ""                                                                                                                                                            
## [190] "Command aliases"                                                                                                                                             
## [191] "   aliases                 config --get-regexp alias"                                                                                                        
## [192] "   amend                   commit --amend --reuse-message=HEAD"                                                                                              
## [193] "   branches                branch -a"                                                                                                                        
## [194] "   c                       clone --recursive"                                                                                                                
## [195] "   ca                      !git add -A && git commit -av"                                                                                                    
## [196] "   contributors            shortlog --summary --numbered"                                                                                                    
## [197] "   credit                  !f() { git commit --amend --author \"$1 <$2>\" -C HEAD; }; f"                                                                     
## [198] "   d                       !git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || clear; git --no-pager diff --patch-with-stat"                                                  
## [199] "   di                      !d() { git diff --patch-with-stat HEAD~$1; }; git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || clear; d"                                         
## [200] "   dm                      !git branch --merged | grep -v '\\*' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d"                                                                  
## [201] "   fb                      !f() { git branch -a --contains $1; }; f"                                                                                         
## [202] "   fc                      !f() { git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h  %Cblue%ad  %Creset%s%Cgreen  [%cn] %Cred%d' --decorate --date=short -S$1; }; f"     
## [203] "   fm                      !f() { git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h  %Cblue%ad  %Creset%s%Cgreen  [%cn] %Cred%d' --decorate --date=short --grep=$1; }; f"
## [204] "   ft                      !f() { git describe --always --contains $1; }; f"                                                                                 
## [205] "   go                      !f() { git checkout -b \"$1\" 2> /dev/null || git checkout \"$1\"; }; f"                                                          
## [206] "   l                       log --pretty=oneline -n 20 --graph --abbrev-commit"                                                                               
## [207] "   p                       git pull --recurse-submodules"                                                                                                    
## [208] "   reb                     !r() { git rebase -i HEAD~$1; }; r"                                                                                               
## [209] "   remotes                 remote -v"                                                                                                                        
## [210] "   retag                   !r() { git tag -d $1 && git push origin :refs/tags/$1 && git tag $1; }; r"                                                        
## [211] "   s                       status -s"                                                                                                                        
## [212] "   tags                    tag -l"

Click here to see the Rmarkdown chunk output when we drill down into the specifics of a command by adding the -help option after the initial command (ex. git checkout -help).
# get help on command with the -h option 
# on command line this would be git checkout -help but in bash chunk of Rmarkdown git checkout --help (NOTE: two -- required in Rmarkdown when using bash engine.option (and some ffffuuu_u_u_U_unnnnky outputs) due to complexities with iterative programming)

system2(command = "git", args = c("checkout", "-help"), stdout = TRUE)
##  [1] "usage: git checkout [<options>] <branch>"                                                               
##  [2] "   or: git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."                                                
##  [3] ""                                                                                                       
##  [4] "    -b <branch>           create and checkout a new branch"                                             
##  [5] "    -B <branch>           create/reset and checkout a branch"                                           
##  [6] "    -l                    create reflog for new branch"                                                 
##  [7] "    --guess               second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)"                       
##  [8] "    --overlay             use overlay mode (default)"                                                   
##  [9] "    -q, --quiet           suppress progress reporting"                                                  
## [10] "    --recurse-submodules[=<checkout>]"                                                                  
## [11] "                          control recursive updating of submodules"                                     
## [12] "    --progress            force progress reporting"                                                     
## [13] "    -m, --merge           perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"                                    
## [14] "    --conflict <style>    conflict style (merge, diff3, or zdiff3)"                                     
## [15] "    -d, --detach          detach HEAD at named commit"                                                  
## [16] "    -t, --track[=(direct|inherit)]"                                                                     
## [17] "                          set branch tracking configuration"                                            
## [18] "    -f, --force           force checkout (throw away local modifications)"                              
## [19] "    --orphan <new-branch>"                                                                              
## [20] "                          new unparented branch"                                                        
## [21] "    --overwrite-ignore    update ignored files (default)"                                               
## [22] "    --ignore-other-worktrees"                                                                           
## [23] "                          do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"                    
## [24] "    -2, --ours            checkout our version for unmerged files"                                      
## [25] "    -3, --theirs          checkout their version for unmerged files"                                    
## [26] "    -p, --patch           select hunks interactively"                                                   
## [27] "    --ignore-skip-worktree-bits"                                                                        
## [28] "                          do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"                                
## [29] "    --pathspec-from-file <file>"                                                                        
## [30] "                          read pathspec from file"                                                      
## [31] "    --pathspec-file-nul   with --pathspec-from-file, pathspec elements are separated with NUL character"
## [32] ""                                                                                                       
## attr(,"status")
## [1] 129

Some files in our repos such as the bcfishpass.sqlite and .xls files get logged as a change in Git every time we open the file (even if no changes have been made).

  • Run this command if no changes have been made to the sqlite: git update-index --assume-unchanged data/bcfishpass.sqlite
  • Run this command to log a commit, when changes have been made to sqlite: git update-index --no-assume-unchanged data/bcfishpass.sqlite

5.2 Github

  • GitHub is a cloud-based hosting service that lets you manage Git repositories.

  • Github is where you will find all our files, check it out here

  • Our content is organized into repositories (repo for short), which you can clone to your laptop and then edit the files (see section 2.2 for how to do this)

  • Here is some Github lingo to get you started:

    • Repository (repo) - folder used by git to track all changes of a given project, must have git repo to use git commands
    • Commits - a saved version of the code
    • Branches - used to work on code without changing the main branch
    • Checkout - move between different commits and branches
    • Pull requests - let you tell others about changes you’ve pushed to a branch in a repository. Usually a proposal to merge a set of changes from one branch into another
    • Issues - a place to document issues with the code, tasks that need to be done, or just a place to document what is happening. See below for more info.
  • Learn how to set up a Personal Access Token in R

  • Find lots more info about Github here

5.3 Issues

  • The issues section on github is a place to document processes, point out bugs in code, suggest enhancements to repos, and keep track of progress.

  • It is easy for conversations to get lost or forgotten, filing an issue is a great way to ensure problems are prioritized and kept in one place.

  • Be as descriptive as possible when writing an issue by using keywords, markdown syntax, links, screenshots, etc. when appropriate.

  • Add labels to issues when appropriate, this will help to categorize and prioritize issues. Checkout gh for info on how we could make tags programmatically with the project setup script.

  • See Writing Good GitHub Issues for an intro on how to write an issue, with examples.

  • You can reference issues in commits and Github comments by using #issue number (ex: #74)

  • To close an issue in a commit, in the commit message put a keyword in front of the # and issue number (ex: close #74). Any of the following keywords are accepted: close, closes, closed, fix, fixes, fixed, resolve, resolves, resolved. The issues will be closed once the branch is pushed/merged on Github, insanely handy.

  • You can close an issue from another repo by adding the repo name ahead of the #issue number, (ex: fixes onboarding#4).

5.4 Watching repos

To stay up to date with other team members work, make sure to watch the repos. This means you will get email notifications about issues and PRs, etc for that repo. Below is a screenshot of how to watch a repo.

5.5 Commits

  • A commit functions like a snapshot of all the files in the repo, at a specific moment. Commits can be thought of as “safe” versions of a project, Git will never change them unless you explicitly ask it to.

  • When working on a project, we will make commits often so that we can always revert back to an older version of the code if we need to, this is the magic of Git!

  • To learn more about commits and how to make them, check out https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/saving-changes/git-commit

  • It’s important to use descriptive messages when making commits so that others have an idea of what you did in the commit.

5.7 Your file system

Set up file system on your laptop. It is important to keep a similar file structure between machines so we can share files easier and keep relative paths the same. Below is a screenshot of what your file structure should look like.

Create your file system by:

  1. First making the appropriate folders (ie. current, gis, repo) on your laptop
  2. Navigate to the repo you would like on https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment and create a fork. A fork will allow you to work on the repo individually and when ready you can create a pull request to merge it back to the main branch, often has to be approved.

  1. Click the green code button and copy the HTTPS.

  1. In your terminal, navigate to your repo directory and clone the selected repo using git clone <HHTPS link>
  2. Repeat this process for all desired repos

5.8 Github Workflow

5.8.1 General Workflow

The way we edit files in repos is very important so that the changes can be merged appropriately. The general workflow is illustrated below with instructions further down.

    1. Set up the repo on your computer following the instructions here
    1. Make sure your fork is up to date with the New Graph Environment main branch by using git pull or syncing.

  1. After making sure your fork is up to date with New Graph Environment main, create a new local branch by using git checkout -b <new branch name>.

  2. Make your edits. After each major edit, create a commit by either using your terminal or by using the Git tab in RStudio.

  3. Once you are done editing the file(s), use git push to push your branch (local) to Github (remote).

  4. On Github, navigate to the branch you just pushed.

  1. It will now say that this branch is “x-number of commits ahead of New Graph Environment main”. To create a Pull Request select contribute and then open pull request

  1. Make sure that your PR is correctly set up, comparing your working branch with the New Graph Environment main. Below you will see the commits that are being merged, and if you scroll down further you will see the code that is being changed, cool! If you have already made a PR but want to make more edits, just push to the same branch and it will automatically update that PR with your latest commits (refrain from making multiple PRs). Once you’ve created the PR it will need to be approved by New Graph Environment. It will also give you the option to delete the branch you were working in, this is a good practice to get used to doing because it will help you to remember to make a new branch before making future edits.

  1. Once the PR has been approved, DON’T FORGET to sync your fork with the New Graph Environment main before creating a new branch and making more edits!

5.8.2 Getting ahead of main

If you get ahead of main in a branch (your-new-branch) before say a PR is done you can update your branch by:

  1. Updating your origin fork with the main branch
  2. Switching to main and git pull
  3. Then switching back to your-new-branch and then git merge.

This will work as long as your changes are not conflicting with what was done in the PR and subsequent changes to main before you pulled it.