McDowell Creek - 123544 & 58151 - Appendix

Site Location

PSCIS crossing 123544 and 58151 are located on McDowell Creek approximately 3.5km south-east of Telkwa, BC. PSCIS crossing 123544 is located on a private road and 58151 is located on Woodmere Road. Crossing 123544 was located 0.9km upstream from the confluence with the Bulkley River and crossing 58151 was located a further 1773m upstream. Crossing 123544 is located on private land so likely the responsibility of the landowner. Crossing 58151 is the responsibility of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.


McDowell Creek drains McDowell Lake (35ha), Dorsay Lake (4ha) and one other unnamed lake (9ha) flowing from McDowell Lake in a south then west direction for approximately 9km to the confluence with the Bulkley River adjacent to the Woodmere Nursery. At crossing 123544, McDowell Creek is a third order stream with a watershed area upstream of the crossing of approximately 15.9km2. The elevation of the watershed ranges from a maximum of 1038m to 576m near the crossing (Table 5.5).

Upstream of crossing 123544, rainbow trout have previously been recorded (MoE 2020b; Norris 2020). An adjacent landowner reports that historic high flow events in the watershed were likely related to beaver dam failures in the upper reaches of the stream network.

A habitat confirmation assessment downstream of 123544 PSCIS stream crossing 58159 (Woodmere Nursery private road) was assessed with by Irvine (2021) in 2020 and the reader is directed there for detailed background, habitat assessment and fish sampling information from 2020 surveys. 58151 was ranked as a moderate priority for follow up by Irvine (2018) due to significant quantities of upstream habitat suitable for salmonid rearing. A total of 54ha of lake and 18ha of wetland is modelled upstream with a summary of additional habitat modelling outputs presented in Table 5.6. A map of the watershed is provided in map attachment 093L.118.

fpr::fpr_table_wshd_sum(site_id = my_site) %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = paste0('Summary of derived upstream watershed statistics for PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.'),
           footnote_text = 'Elev P60 = Elevation at which 60% of the watershed area is above',
           scroll = F)
Table 5.5: Summary of derived upstream watershed statistics for PSCIS crossing 123544.
Site Area Km Elev Site Elev Min Elev Max Elev Median Elev P60 Aspect
123544 15.9 553 576 1038 850 810 SSW
* Elev P60 = Elevation at which 60% of the watershed area is above

fpr::fpr_table_bcfp(scroll = gitbook_on) 
Table 5.6: Summary of fish habitat modelling for PSCIS crossing 123544.
Habitat Potential Remediation Gain Remediation Gain (%)
ST Network (km) 9.6 1.8 19
ST Lake Reservoir (ha) 4.4 0.0 0
ST Wetland (ha) 0.0 0.0
ST Slopeclass03 Waterbodies (km) 0.3 0.0 0
ST Slopeclass03 (km) 3.1 0.0 0
ST Slopeclass05 (km) 3.0 1.8 60
ST Slopeclass08 (km) 1.7 0.0 0
ST Spawning (km) 0.0 0.0
ST Rearing (km) 7.0 1.8 26
CH Spawning (km) 0.0 0.0
CH Rearing (km) 0.0 0.0
CO Spawning (km) 3.5 1.8 51
CO Rearing (km) 6.1 1.8 30
CO Rearing (ha) 0.0
SK Spawning (km) 0.0 0.0
SK Rearing (km) 0.0 0.0
SK Rearing (ha) 0.0
All Spawning (km) 3.5 1.8 51
All Rearing (km) 7.4 1.8 24
All Spawning Rearing (km) 7.4 1.8 24
* Model data is preliminary and subject to adjustments.

fpr::fpr_table_bcfp(site = my_site2, scroll = gitbook_on) 
Table 5.7: Summary of fish habitat modelling for PSCIS crossing 58151.
Habitat Potential Remediation Gain Remediation Gain (%)
ST Network (km) 7.8 2.2 28
ST Lake Reservoir (ha) 4.4 0.0 0
ST Wetland (ha) 0.0 0.0
ST Slopeclass03 Waterbodies (km) 0.3 0.0 0
ST Slopeclass03 (km) 3.1 2.2 71
ST Slopeclass05 (km) 1.2 0.0 0
ST Slopeclass08 (km) 1.7 0.0 0
ST Spawning (km) 0.0 0.0
ST Rearing (km) 5.3 2.2 42
CH Spawning (km) 0.0 0.0
CH Rearing (km) 0.0 0.0
CO Spawning (km) 1.8 0.6 33
CO Rearing (km) 4.3 2.2 51
CO Rearing (ha) 0.0
SK Spawning (km) 0.0 0.0
SK Rearing (km) 0.0 0.0
SK Rearing (ha) 0.0
All Spawning (km) 1.8 0.6 33
All Rearing (km) 5.6 2.2 39
All Spawning Rearing (km) 5.6 2.2 39
* Model data is preliminary and subject to adjustments.

Stream Characteristics at Crossing

McDowell Creek was dewatered at both culverts at the time of the surveys. Additionally, the stream was dry at Highway 16 and the Woodmere Nursery private road. PSCIS crossing 123544 was not backwatered, un-embedded and ranked as a barrier to upstream fish passage according to the provincial protocol (MoE 2011b) (Table 5.8). The culvert was perched above the stream at the inlet approximately 2m and road fill had caused a steep slope (>25%) just below the culvert for 5 - 10m.

PSCIS crossing 58151 was not backwatered, not embedded and ranked as a barrier to upstream fish passage according to the provincial protocol (Table 5.9).

Table 5.8: Summary of fish passage assessment for PSCIS crossing 123544.
Location and Stream Data
Crossing Characteristics
Date 2021-09-13 Crossing Sub Type Round Culvert
PSCIS ID 123544 Diameter (m) 1.5
External ID Length (m) 14
Crew AI Embedded No
UTM Zone 9 Depth Embedded (m)
Easting 628286.7 Resemble Channel No
Northing 6060648 Backwatered No
Stream McDowell Creek Percent Backwatered
Road Private Road Fill Depth (m) 1.5
Road Tenure Unclassified Outlet Drop (m) 0
Channel Width (m) 2.7 Outlet Pool Depth (m) 0
Stream Slope (%) 1 Inlet Drop No
Beaver Activity No Slope (%) 18.5
Habitat Value Medium Valley Fill Deep Fill
Final score 26 Barrier Result Barrier
Fix type Replace with New Open Bottom Structure Fix Span / Diameter 10
Photos: From top left clockwise: Road/Site Card, Barrel, Outlet, Downstream, Upstream, Inlet.
Comments: Inlet of culvert is ~5m elevation more than upstream channel. Road has filled in the creek. 15:44

fpr::fpr_table_cv_summary_memo(site = my_site2, site_photo_id = my_site2)
Table 5.9: Summary of fish passage assessment for PSCIS crossing 58151.
Location and Stream Data
Crossing Characteristics
Date 2021-09-15 Crossing Sub Type Round Culvert
PSCIS ID 58151 Diameter (m) 1
External ID Length (m) 14
Crew KP Embedded No
UTM Zone 9 Depth Embedded (m)
Easting 629753.3 Resemble Channel No
Northing 6061126 Backwatered No
Stream McDowell Creek Percent Backwatered
Road Woodmere Road Fill Depth (m) 0.5
Road Tenure MoTi Local Outlet Drop (m) 0.25
Channel Width (m) 1.8 Outlet Pool Depth (m) 0.64
Stream Slope (%) 1.5 Inlet Drop No
Beaver Activity No Slope (%) 5
Habitat Value Medium Valley Fill Deep Fill
Final score 31 Barrier Result Barrier
Fix type Replace Structure with Streambed Simulation CBS Fix Span / Diameter 3
Photos: From top left clockwise: Road/Site Card, Barrel, Outlet, Downstream, Upstream, Inlet.
Comments: Channel dry. Current pool water depth is 0.31, outlet drop measured using long tape to simulate riffle crest height. 14:48
##this is useful to get some comments for the report
hab_site %>% filter(site == my_site & location == 'ds') %>% pull(comments)
my_priority <-  my_priority_info()

Stream Characteristics Downstream of 123544

The stream was surveyed downstream from crossing 123544 for 300m (Figures 5.9 - 5.10). Total cover amount was rated as abundant with undercut banks dominant. Cover was also present as small woody debris, large woody debris, boulders, deep pools, and overhanging vegetation. The dominant substrate was gravels with fines sub-dominant. The average channel width was 2.6m, and the average gradient was 2%. Although dry, the channel was well defined with frequent gravels throughout. The undercut banks were deeply cut an riparian vegetation was comprised of thick red-osier dogwood understory and open mature cottonwood forest. Habitat was rated as low value for salmonid rearing and spawning.

At the time of the survey, PSCIS culvert 58158 on Highway 16 located approximately had been recently replaced with a baffled structure embedded with a natural cobble and gravel substrates. Although ranked as a barrier to upstream fish passage using the provincial metric the crossing is likely not a barrier during most flows for adult anadromous salmon and fluvial salmonids migrating upstream from the Bulkley River.

Stream Characteristics Upstream of 123544 and downstream of 58151

The stream was surveyed upstream of crossing 123544 for 25m and downstream from crossing 58151 for 120m (Figures 5.11 - 5.12). The average channel width was 1.7m, and the average gradient was 2%. The dominant substrate was fines with gravels sub-dominant. Total cover amount was rated as abundant with overhanging vegetation dominant. Cover was also present as small woody debris and undercut banks. With the exception of the culvert outlet pool, the channel was dry throughout the area surveyed. Riparian vegetation was primarily grass. Habitat value was rated as low as the surveyed area was dry with extensive agricultural development adjacent.

Stream Characteristics Upstream of 58151

The stream was surveyed upstream from crossing 58151 for 70m (Figures 5.13 - 5.14). The average channel width was 1.7m, and the average gradient was 2%. Total cover amount was rated as abundant with overhanging vegetation dominant. Cover was also present as small woody debris and undercut banks. The dominant substrate was fines with gravels sub-dominant. Survey notes indicate the well defined channel bed was dry and contained fines and sediment likely from the high amount of development of yards, roads, and agriculture adjacent to the stream. Habitat value was rated as low.

Structure Remediation and Cost Estimate

Should restoration/maintenance activities proceed, replacement of PSCIS crossing 123544 with a bridge (10m span) is recommended. The cost of the work is estimated at $300,000 for a cost benefit of 20.2 linear m/$1000 and NA m2/$1000.

Should restoration/maintenance activities proceed, replacement of PSCIS crossing 58151 with a bridge (3m span) is recommended. The cost of the work is estimated at $400,000 for a cost benefit of 10.8 linear m/$1000 and 18.3 m2/$1000. Relocation of the driveway accessing the private land from the other side of the stream and removal of the crossing could also be considered.


There was 6.1km of habitat modelled upstream of crossing 58151 with areas surveyed rated as low value for salmonid rearing and spawning. Crossing 123544 was ranked as a low priority for proceeding to design due to low flows and highly impacted habitats upstream. Crossing 58151 was ranked as a low priority for proceeding to design for replacement. In the upper reaches of McDowell Creek, impacts are apparent due to adjacent land use (cattle trampled banks and grazed/removed riparian vegetation). It is recommended that a plan be developed to work with adjacent landowners and tenure holders to exclude cattle from the riparian area, implement stream restoration actions and explore possibilities related to progressive beaver management in the watershed.

tab_hab_summary %>% 
  filter(Site  == my_site |
           Site  == my_site2) %>% 
  # select(-Site) %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = paste0('Summary of habitat details for PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.'),
                 scroll = F) 
Table 5.10: Summary of habitat details for PSCIS crossing 123544.
Site Location Length Surveyed (m) Channel Width (m) Wetted Width (m) Pool Depth (m) Gradient (%) Total Cover Habitat Value
58151 Downstream 120 1.8 1.2 abundant low
58151 Upstream 70 1.7 0.8 abundant low
123544 Downstream 300 2.6 2.0 abundant low
123544 Upstream 25 low

my_photo1 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(str_to_pull = '_d1_')

my_caption1 = paste0('Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.')

# fpr::fpr_photo_flip(site_id = 1802488, str_to_pull = '6257')
Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing 123544.

Figure 5.9: Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing 123544.

my_photo2 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(str_to_pull = '_d2_')

my_caption2 = paste0('Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.')
Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing 123544.

Figure 5.10: Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing 123544.

my_caption <- paste0('Left: ', my_caption1, ' Right: ', my_caption2)

my_photo1 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(site = my_site2, str_to_pull = '_d1_')

my_caption1 = paste0('Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site2, '.')
Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing 58151.

Figure 5.11: Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing 58151.

my_photo2 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(site = my_site2, str_to_pull = '_d2_')

my_caption2 = paste0('Typical habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.')
Typical habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing 123544.

Figure 5.12: Typical habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing 123544.

my_caption <- paste0('Left: ', my_caption1, ' Right: ', my_caption2)

my_photo1 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(site = my_site2, str_to_pull = '_u1_')

my_caption1 = paste0('Typical habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site2, '.')
Typical habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing 58151.

Figure 5.13: Typical habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing 58151.

my_photo2 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(site = my_site2, str_to_pull = '_u2_')

my_caption2 = paste0('Typical habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site2, '.')
Typical habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing 58151.

Figure 5.14: Typical habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing 58151.

my_caption <- paste0('Left: ', my_caption1, ' Right: ', my_caption2)

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE)
my_site <- 123770
my_site2 <- 198043