4 Results and Discussion

Results of Phase 1 assessments, Bulkley Falls assessment and Phase 2 assessments are summarized in Figure 4.1 with additional details provided in sections below.

##make colors for the priorities
pal <- 
   colorFactor(palette = c("red", "yellow", "grey", "black"), 
               levels = c("high", "moderate", "low", "no fix"))

pal_phase1 <- 
   colorFactor(palette = c("red", "yellow", "grey", "black"), 
               levels = c("high", "moderate", "low", NA))

# tab_map_phase2 <- tab_map %>% filter(source %like% 'phase2')
# marker_options <- markerOptions(  
#   zIndexOffset = 1000)
tracks <- sf::read_sf("./data/habitat_confirmation_tracks.gpx", layer = "tracks")

wshd_study_areas <- sf::read_sf('data/fishpass_mapping/wshd_study_areas.geojson')
  # st_transform(crs = 4326)

map <- leaflet(height=500, width=780) %>%
  addTiles()  %>% 
  # leafem::addMouseCoordinates(proj4 = 26911) %>% ##can't seem to get it to render utms yet
  # addProviderTiles(providers$"Esri.DeLorme") %>% 
  addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldTopoMap", group = "Topo") %>%
  addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery", group = "ESRI Aerial") %>% 
  addPolygons(data = wshd_study_areas %>% filter(watershed_group_code == 'BULK'), color = "#F29A6E", weight = 1, smoothFactor = 0.5,
              opacity = 1.0, fillOpacity = 0,
              fillColor = "#F29A6E", label = 'Bulkley River') %>%
  addPolygons(data = wshd_study_areas %>% filter(watershed_group_code == 'MORR'), color = "#C39D50", weight = 1, smoothFactor = 0.5,
              opacity = 1.0, fillOpacity = 0,
              fillColor = "#C39D50", label = 'Morice River') %>%
  addPolygons(data = wshds, color = "#0859C6", weight = 1, smoothFactor = 0.5,
              opacity = 1.0, fillOpacity = 0.25,
              fillColor = "#00DBFF",
              label = wshds$stream_crossing_id,
              popup = leafpop::popupTable(x = select(wshds %>% st_set_geometry(NULL),
                                                     Site = stream_crossing_id,
                                          feature.id = F,
                                          row.numbers = F),
              group = "Phase 2") %>% 
    position = "topright",
    colors = c("red", "yellow", "grey", "black"),
    labels = c("High", "Moderate", "Low", 'No fix'), opacity = 1,
    title = "Fish Passage Priorities") %>% 
#   # addCircleMarkers(
#   # data=tab_plan_sf,
#   # label = tab_plan_sf$Comments,
#   # labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = F, textOnly = F),
#   # popup = leafpop::popupTable(x = tab_plan_sf %>% st_drop_geometry(),
#   #                             feature.id = F,
#   #                             row.numbers = F),
#   # radius = 9,
#   # fillColor = ~pal_phase1(tab_plan_sf$Priority),
#   # color= "#ffffff",
#   # stroke = TRUE,
#   # fillOpacity = 1.0,
# # weight = 2,
# # opacity = 1.0,
# # group = "Planning") %>% 
addCircleMarkers(data=tab_map %>%
                   filter(source %like% 'phase1' | source %like% 'pscis_reassessments'),
                 label = tab_map %>% filter(source %like% 'phase1' | source %like% 'pscis_reassessments') %>% pull(pscis_crossing_id),
                 # label = tab_map$pscis_crossing_id,
                 labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = F, textOnly = TRUE),
                 popup = leafpop::popupTable(x = select((tab_map %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% filter(source %like% 'phase1' | source %like% 'pscis_reassessments')),
                                                        Site = pscis_crossing_id, Priority = priority_phase1, Stream = stream_name, Road = road_name, `Habitat value`= habitat_value, `Barrier Result` = barrier_result, `Culvert data` = data_link, `Culvert photos` = photo_link, `Model data` = model_link),
                                             feature.id = F,
                                             row.numbers = F),
                 radius = 9,
                 fillColor = ~pal_phase1(priority_phase1),
                 color= "#ffffff",
                 stroke = TRUE,
                 fillOpacity = 1.0,
                 weight = 2,
                 opacity = 1.0,
                 group = "Phase 1") %>% 
               opacity=0.75, color = '#e216c4',
               fillOpacity = 0.75, weight=5, group = "Phase 2") %>%

    lng = photo_metadata$gps_longitude,
    lat = photo_metadata$gps_latitude,
    popup = leafpop::popupImage(photo_metadata$url, src = "remote"),
    clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(),
    group = "Phase 2") %>%
    label = tab_hab_map$pscis_crossing_id,
    labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T, textOnly = TRUE),
    popup = leafpop::popupTable(x = select((tab_hab_map %>% st_drop_geometry()),
                                           Site = pscis_crossing_id,
                                           Priority = priority,
                                           Stream = stream_name,
                                           Road = road_name,
                                           `Habitat (m)`= upstream_habitat_length_m,
                                           Comments = comments,
                                           `Culvert data` = data_link,
                                           `Culvert photos` = photo_link,
                                           `Model data` = model_link),
                                feature.id = F,
                                row.numbers = F),
    radius = 9,
    fillColor = ~pal(priority),
    color= "#ffffff",
    stroke = TRUE,
    fillOpacity = 1.0,
    weight = 2,
    opacity = 1.0,
    group = "Phase 2"
    ) %>% 

    baseGroups = c(
      "ESRI Aerial"),
    overlayGroups = c("Phase 1", "Phase 2"),
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = F)) %>%
  leaflet.extras::addFullscreenControl() %>%
  addMiniMap(tiles = providers$"Esri.NatGeoWorldMap",
             zoomLevelOffset = -6, width = 100, height = 100)

map %>% 
  hideGroup(c("Phase 1"))

Figure 4.1: Map of fish passage and habitat confirmation results

## Planning

# Following review of background literature, fisheries information, PSCIS and `bcfishpass` outputs, `r tab_plan_sf %>% nrow()` modelled and PSCIS crossings were reviewed to select sites for follow up with Phase 1 and 2 assessments in the Morice River watershed.   `r tab_plan_sf %>% filter(Priority == 'high') %>%  nrow()` crossings ranked as high priority for future follow up with Phase 1 and/or Phase 2 assessments, `r tab_plan_sf %>% filter(Priority == 'moderate') %>%  nrow()` crossings ranked as moderate priorities, and `r tab_plan_sf %>% filter(Priority == 'low') %>%  nrow()` crossings ranked as low priorities. Georeferenced field maps are presented in `r if(gitbook_on){knitr::asis_output("[here](https://hillcrestgeo.ca/outgoing/fishpassage/projects/bulkley/) and available for bulk download as [Attachment 1](https://hillcrestgeo.ca/outgoing/fishpassage/projects/bulkley/bulkley_2021-04-21.zip).")} else knitr::asis_output("[Attachment 1](https://hillcrestgeo.ca/outgoing/fishpassage/projects/bulkley/bulkley_2021-04-21.zip).")` 
conn <- rws_connect("data/bcfishpass.sqlite")

# Results are `r if(html_on)knitr::asis_output("presented in Figure \\@ref(fig:map-interactive) and ")`included as a zipped Google Earth kml file ([Attachment 1](https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fish_passage_skeena_2021_reporting/raw/master/data/Attachment_1_morice_planning_kml.zip)).

# ## Planning
# Review of the PSCIS database indicated that prior to 2020, `r pscis_historic %>% filter(study_area %ilike% 'elk' & assessment_date < '2020-01-01') %>% nrow()` assessments for fish passage (Phase 1) and `r pscis_historic_phase2 %>% filter(study_area %ilike% 'elk' & assmt_date < '2020-01-01') %>% nrow()` habitat confirmations (Phase 2) have been conducted at crossing structures within the Upper Elk River.  Within the Flathead River watershed `r pscis_historic %>% filter(study_area %ilike% 'flathead' & assessment_date < '2020-01-01') %>% nrow()` fish passage assessments and `r pscis_historic_phase2 %>% filter(study_area %ilike% 'flathead' & assmt_date < '2020-01-01') %>% nrow() %>% english::as.english()` habitat confirmations had been conducted.  Following review of background literature, fisheries information, PSCIS and `bcfishpass` outputs, both modelled and PSCIS sites were selected for follow up with Phase 1 and 2 assessments. Results are included as a zipped package of Google Earth kml files stored  [here](https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fish_passage_elk_2020_reporting_cwf/raw/master/data/planning_kmls/elk_planning_kmls.zip).

## Planning
# Following review of background literature, fisheries information, PSCIS and `bcfishpass` outputs, both modelled and PSCIS sites were selected for follow up with Phase 1 and 2 assessments. Results are included as a zipped package of Google Earth kml files stored  [here](https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fish_passage_skeena_2021_reporting/raw/master/data/planning_kmls/elk_planning_kmls.zip).

4.1 Phase 1

Field assessments were conducted between August 09 2021 and September 16 2021 by Allan Irvine, R.P.Bio. and Kyle Prince, P.Biol., Tieasha Pierre, Vern Joseph, Dallas Nikal, Alexandria Nikal, Chad Lewis, Tim Wilson, Adam Wrench, Lars Reese-Hanson and Don Morgan. A total of 191 Phase 1 assessments were conducted with 77 crossings considered “passable”, 10 crossings considered “potential” barriers and 84 crossings considered “barriers” according to threshold values based on culvert embedment, outlet drop, slope, diameter (relative to channel size) and length (MoE 2011a). Additionally, although all were considered fully passable, 20 crossings assessed were fords and ranked as “unknown” according to the provincial protocol. Georeferenced field maps are presented here and available for bulk download as Attachment 1. A summary of crossings assessed, a cost benefit analysis and priority ranking for follow up for Phase 1 sites presented in Table 4.1. Detailed data with photos are presented in Appendix - Phase 1 Fish Passage Assessment Data and Photos.

“Barrier” and “Potential Barrier” rankings used in this project followed MoE (2011a) and reflect an assessment of passability for juvenile salmon or small resident rainbow trout at any flows potentially present throughout the year (Clarkin et al. 2005 ; Bell 1991; Thompson 2013). As noted in Bourne et al. (2011), with a detailed review of different criteria in Kemp and O’Hanley (2010), passability of barriers can be quantified in many different ways. Fish physiology (i.e. species, length, swim speeds) can make defining passability complex but with important implications for evaluating connectivity and prioritizing remediation candidates (Bourne et al. 2011; Shaw et al. 2016; Mahlum et al. 2014; Kemp and O’Hanley 2010). Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (2009) present criteria for assigning passability scores to culverts that have already been assessed as barriers in coarser level assessments. These passability scores provide additional information to feed into decision making processes related to the prioritization of remediation site candidates and have potential for application in British Columbia.

#`r if(identical(gitbook_on, FALSE)){knitr::asis_output("<br>")}`
# if(gitbook_on){
#   tab_cost_est_phase1 %>% 
#   fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Upstream habitat estimates and cost benefit analysis for Phase 1 assessments.', scroll = gitbook_on)
# } else tab_cost_est_phase1 %>% 
#   fpr::fpr_kable(scroll = F, caption_text = 'Upstream habitat estimates and cost benefit analysis for Phase 1 assessments.')

tab_cost_est_phase1 %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Upstream habitat estimates and cost benefit analysis for Phase 1 assessments. Steelhead network model (total length stream network <20% gradient).', 
                 scroll = gitbook_on)
Table 4.1: Upstream habitat estimates and cost benefit analysis for Phase 1 assessments. Steelhead network model (total length stream network <20% gradient).
PSCIS ID External ID Stream Road Result Habitat value Stream Width (m) Priority Fix Cost Est ( $K) Habitat Upstream (km) Cost Benefit (m / $K) Cost Benefit (m2 / $K)
198048 1800048 Cesford Creek Highway 16 Barrier High 5.48 high OBS 9000 54.43 6.0 16.6
197967 1800050 Taman Creek Highway 16 Barrier Medium 5.30 mod OBS 27900 142.42 5.1 13.5
197903 1800180 Tributary to Bulkley River Rose Lake Cuttoff Road Barrier Low 1.50 low SS-CBS 400 3.67 9.2 6.9
198065 1800191 Watson Creek Montgomery Road Barrier Medium 3.00 mod OBS 1200 18.77 15.6 23.5
198049 1800193 Cesford Creek Highway 118 Barrier High 4.90 high OBS 9000 50.46 5.6 13.7
197976 1800355 Ailport Creek Highway 16 Barrier High 7.50 high OBS 11250 53.15 4.7 17.7
197974 1800356 Watson Creek Highway 16 Barrier Low 2.20 low OBS 9000 21.24 2.4 2.6
197902 1800360 Tributary to Bulkley River Rose Lake Cuttoff Road Barrier Low 1.50 low SS-CBS 400 4.75 11.9 8.9
197904 1800372 Tributary to Bulkley River Crow Creek Road Barrier Low 2.00 low OBS 300 3.03 10.1 10.1
197975 1801122 Ailport Creek Private Driveway Barrier Medium 6.50 mod OBS 345 52.76 152.9 497.0
197972 1802040 Tributary to Broman Lake Powerline Barrier Low 0.80 low SS-CBS 100 7.78 77.8 31.1
198066 1802488 Thompson Creek Private Road Potential High 2.77 mod OBS 300 35.88 119.6 165.6
197907 1802611 Tributary to Maxan Creek Maxan Creek FSR Barrier Low 1.30 low SS-CBS 100 8.97 89.7 58.3
197908 1803697 Tributary to Maxan Creek Maxan Creek FSR Barrier Low 1.00 low SS-CBS 100 4.03 40.3 20.2
197906 1803706 Tributary to Maxan Creek Maxan Creek FSR Barrier Low 1.20 low SS-CBS 100 7.84 78.4 47.0
197970 1803813 Tributary to Broman Lake Broman Lake FSR Barrier Low 0.70 low SS-CBS 100 2.84 28.4 9.9
197909 1804693 Tributary to Maxan Creek Maxan Creek FSR Barrier Medium 0.90 mod SS-CBS 100 0.68 6.8 3.1
197964 1805529 Bulkley River Railway Potential High 9.00 mod OBS 12600 144.22 11.4 51.5
197963 1805531 Tributary to Bulkley River Railway Barrier Low 4.00 low OBS 9000 1.52 0.2 0.3
198044 1805573 Tributary to Toboggan Creek Railway Barrier Low 2.00 low SS-CBS 3000 10.09 3.4 3.4
198071 14000022 Tributary to Collins Lake spur Morice Nado Barrier Medium 2.00 mod SS-CBS 100 4.63 46.3 46.3
198069 14000256 Tributary to Collins Lake Morice Nado Barrier Medium 2.50 mod OBS 300 6.08 20.3 25.3
198037 14000375 Tributary to Thautil River Thautil FSR Potential Low 0.65 low SS-CBS 100 1.14 11.4 3.7
198036 14000377 Tributary to Thaultil River Thautil FSR Barrier Medium 1.90 mod SS-CBS 100 2.39 23.9 22.7
198039 14000379 Tributary to Thautil River Thautil FSR Barrier Low 1.10 low SS-CBS 100 6.01 60.1 33.1
198055 14000381 Tributary to Thautil River Thautil FSR Barrier Low 1.10 low SS-CBS 100 0.09 0.9 0.5
198038 14000382 Tributary to Thautil River Thautil FSR Barrier Low 0.70 low SS-CBS 100 1.27 12.7 4.4
198057 14000383 Tributary to Gabriel Creek Thautil FSR Barrier Medium 3.00 mod OBS 300 1.69 5.6 8.4
198056 14000389 Tributary to Thautil River Thautil FSR Barrier Low 1.80 low SS-CBS 100 2.09 20.9 18.8
198058 14000390 Tributary to Gabriel Creek Thautil FSR Barrier Low 1.50 low SS-CBS 100 1.13 11.3 8.5
198059 14000392 Tributary to Gabriel Creek Thautil FSR Barrier Medium 1.50 mod SS-CBS 100 2.85 28.5 21.4
198050 14000394 Tributary to Thautil River Thautil FSR Barrier Low 0.90 low SS-CBS 100 1.79 17.9 8.1
198033 14000395 Tributary to Gabriel Creek Thautil FSR Barrier Low 0.67 low SS-CBS 100 1.11 11.1 3.7
198035 14000398 Tributary to Gabriel Creek Thautil FSR Barrier Low 1.17 low SS-CBS 100 1.21 12.1 7.1
198011 14000443 Tributary to Nanika River 4 Road Barrier Low 2.20 low OBS 300 0.42 1.4 1.5
198087 14000453 Tributary to Nanika River Cutthroat 1 Barrier Low 1.90 low SS-CBS 3000 3.96 1.3 1.3
197994 14000481 Tributary to Gosnell Creek 6 Road Barrier Medium 1.10 mod SS-CBS 100 0.94 9.4 5.2
197991 14000506 Tributary to Gosnell Creek 6 Road Barrier Medium 0.80 mod SS-CBS 100 0.00 0.0 0.0
197998 14000507 Tributary to Gosnell Creek 6 Road Barrier Medium 1.80 mod SS-CBS 100 1.15 11.5 10.3
198009 14000535 Tributary to Nanika River 1 Road Barrier Low 1.00 low SS-CBS 100 0.49 4.9 2.5
197937 14000536 Tributary to Nanika River Spur Barrier Low 0.80 low SS-CBS 100 1.49 14.9 6.0
198016 14000562 Tributary to Thautil River Chisholm FSR Barrier Medium 1.30 mod SS-CBS 100 0.74 7.4 4.8
198003 14000582 Tributary to Nanika River Nanika FSR Barrier Low 0.50 low SS-CBS 100 1.14 11.4 2.9
198081 14000592 Tributary to Lamprey Creek 07 Road Barrier Low 1.60 low SS-CBS 100 3.65 36.5 29.2
198019 14000669 Tributary to Thautil River Chisholm FSR Barrier Medium 1.60 mod SS-CBS 100 5.40 54.0 43.2
198028 14000683 Tributary to Thautil River Chisholm FSR Barrier Low 1.10 low SS-CBS 100 5.12 51.2 28.2
197945 14000684 Tributary to Thaulit River Chisholm FSR Barrier Low 1.00 low SS-CBS 100 2.34 23.4 11.7
198020 14000688 Tributary to Thautil River Chisholm FSR Barrier Low 0.00 low SS-CBS 100 5.70 57.0 0.0
197952 14000690 Tributary to Morice River Chisholm FSR Barrier Low 2.10 low OBS 300 6.19 20.6 21.7
198029 14000694 Tributary to Thautil River Chisholm FSR Barrier Low 0.90 low SS-CBS 100 4.94 49.4 22.2
197944 14000695 Tributary to Thaulit River Chisholm FSR Barrier Medium 2.20 mod OBS 300 0.00 0.0 0.0
197954 14000696 Tributary to Morice River Chisholm FSR Barrier Medium 1.70 mod OBS 300 7.86 26.2 22.3
198026 14000697 Tributary to Thautil River Chisholm FSR Barrier Low 0.70 low SS-CBS 100 1.97 19.7 6.9
198060 14000718 Tributary to Owen Creek Morice-Owen FSR Potential Medium 2.00 low OBS 300 7.01 23.4 23.4
197962 14000798 Peacock Creek Morice FSR Barrier High 9.30 high OBS 474 6.14 13.0 60.2
198085 14000799 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Morice FSR Barrier Medium 1.40 mod SS-CBS 100 0.68 6.8 4.8
197989 14000801 Tributary to Morice River Morice FSR Barrier Medium 2.20 mod OBS 300 2.68 8.9 9.8
198067 14000804 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Morice R FSR Barrier Low 2.20 low OBS 300 6.77 22.6 24.8
198068 14000815 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Morice R FSR Barrier Low 0.80 low SS-CBS 100 1.03 10.3 4.1
197965 14000820 Tributary to Collins Lake Morice R FSR Barrier Medium 0.35 mod SS-CBS 100 7.77 77.7 13.6
198030 14000823 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Morice FSR Barrier Low 1.00 low SS-CBS 100 0.90 9.0 4.5
198008 14000865 Tributary to Nanika River Spur Barrier Medium 1.80 mod SS-CBS 100 0.60 6.0 5.4
198040 14000882 Tributary to Morice River Spur Potential Medium 0.90 low SS-CBS 100 0.34 3.4 1.5
198079 14000890 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Spur Barrier Medium 0.90 mod SS-CBS 100 1.23 12.3 5.5
198072 14000892 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Spur Potential Low 1.00 low SS-CBS 100 3.61 36.1 18.0
198080 14000894 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Spur Barrier Medium 0.60 mod SS-CBS 100 1.01 10.1 3.0
197931 14000932 Tributary to Nanika River Spur Barrier Low 0.40 low SS-CBS 100 1.19 11.9 2.4
197982 14000941 Tributary to Gosnell Creek Crystal Creek FSR Barrier Medium 2.20 mod OBS 300 5.75 19.2 21.1
197923 14000949 Tributary to Gosnell Creek Crystal Creek FSR Barrier Low 0.90 low SS-CBS 100 0.28 2.8 1.3
197924 14000954 Tributary to Gosnell Creek Crystal Creek FSR Barrier Low 1.30 low SS-CBS 100 1.46 14.6 9.5
198084 14000968 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Spur Barrier Medium 0.90 mod SS-CBS 100 1.48 14.8 6.7
198062 14000991 Tributary to Morice River Morice-West FSR Barrier Medium 10.00 mod OBS 450 2.61 5.8 29.0
198034 14000994 Tributary to Thautil River Thautil FSR Barrier Medium 0.60 mod SS-CBS 100 3.15 31.5 9.4
197928 14000997 Tributary to Morice River Morice West FSR Barrier Low 1.20 low SS-CBS 100 0.63 6.3 3.8
197926 14001002 Tributary to Morice River Morice West FSR Barrier Medium 2.00 mod OBS 300 8.98 29.9 29.9
198002 14001009 Tributary to Nanika River 9 Road Barrier Low 0.50 low SS-CBS 100 1.37 13.7 3.4
198082 14001062 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Bill Nye Barrier Medium 0.60 mod SS-CBS 100 1.81 18.1 5.4
198007 14001077 Tributary to Nanika River Spur Barrier Low 1.00 low SS-CBS 100 2.13 21.3 10.7
198005 14001078 Tributary to Nanika River Spur Barrier Low 0.80 low SS-CBS 100 2.09 20.9 8.4
198064 14001094 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Spur Barrier Medium 2.56 mod OBS 300 5.05 16.8 21.5
198000 14001161 McBride Creek Nanika FSR Potential High 9.00 mod OBS 420 84.07 200.2 900.8
198086 14001170 Tributary to Lamprey Creek spur (overgrown) Barrier Low 2.00 low OBS 300 6.12 20.4 20.4
197951 14001177 Tributatry to Morice River False Tagit FSR Barrier Medium 3.00 mod OBS 300 11.06 36.9 55.3
198051 14001409 Tributary to Thautil River Spur Barrier Low 1.30 low SS-CBS 100 2.07 20.7 13.5
197934 14001414 Tributary to Nanika River Spur Potential Low 1.00 low SS-CBS 100 3.10 31.0 15.5
198052 14001468 Tributary to Thautil River Spur Barrier Low 0.50 low SS-CBS 200 1.60 8.0 2.0
198075 14001624 Tributary to Collins Lake Spur Potential Low 0.65 low SS-CBS 100 0.70 7.0 2.3
198022 14001769 Tributary to Tagit Creek 5 Road Barrier Medium 1.40 mod SS-CBS 100 6.67 66.7 46.7
197960 24704566 Corya Creek Railway Barrier High 18.00 high OBS 2700 27.01 10.0 90.0
197938 2021083150 Bulkley River Side Channel Railway Potential Medium 3.00 low SS-CBS 3000 1.01 0.3 0.5
197992 2021090161 Tributary to Gosnell Creek 6 Road Barrier Low 0.50 low SS-CBS 100
197936 2021090299 Spur Barrier Low 0.90 low SS-CBS 100 1.62 16.2 7.3
197949 2021090303 Tributary to Tagit Creek 11 Rd Barrier Medium 2.00 mod OBS 300 6.16 20.5 20.5
198090 2021090551 Cesford Creek Railway Barrier High 5.00 high OBS 300 0.00 0.0 0.0

4.2 Bulkley Falls Assessment

Bulkley Falls is located near Topley, BC on the mainstem of the Bulkley River. Information on the crossing was scarce so an assessment was prioritized by Canadian Wildlife Federation. The site was assessed on October 28, 2021 by Nallas Nikal, B.i.T, and Chad Lewis, Environmental Technician. The top of the falls is located at 11U.678269.6038266 at an elevation of 697m approximatley 11.3km downstream of Bulkley Lake and upstream of Ailport Creek (Figures 4.2 - 4.3).. Water temperature was 3.0\(^\circ\)C, pH was 7.75 and conductivity was 159uS/cm. Within the Bulkley River immediately below the 12 - 15m high bedrock falls, channel width was 17.4m and the wetted width was 15.6m. Two channels comprised the falls. The primary channel was 20m long, had a channel/wetted width of 8.5m, a 16% grade and water depths ranging from 35 - 63cm. The secondary channel was 25m long, with channel/wetted widths of 7.5m, a grade of 12% and water depths ranging from 3 - 13cm.

Dyson (1949) and Stokes (1956) report substantial use of habitat above Bulkley Falls by steelhead, chinook, coho and sockeye utilization in the past (pre-1950) based on spawning reports. Both authors concluded that the Bulkley Falls pose a partial obstruction to migrating fish based on flow levels. Chinook, which migrate early in the summer when water levels are high, have been noted as able to ascend the falls in normal to high water years and in high water years it was thought that coho and steelhead could ascend. A. Gottesfeld and Rabnett (2007) report that the falls are almost completely impassable to all salmon during low water flows. Stokes (1956) reports that there was high value spawning habitat located within the first 3km of the Bulkley River from the outlet of Bulkley Lake.

my_photo1 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(site = 'bulkley_falls', str_to_pull = '_u1_')

my_caption1 = paste0('Bulkley Falls main channel.')

# fpr::fpr_photo_flip(site_id = 1802488, str_to_pull = '6257')
Bulkley Falls main channel.

Figure 4.2: Bulkley Falls main channel.

# grid::grid.raster(jpeg::readJPEG(my_photo1))

my_photo2 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(site = 'bulkley_falls', str_to_pull = '_u2_')

my_caption2 = paste0('Bulkley Falls side channel.')
Bulkley Falls side channel.

Figure 4.3: Bulkley Falls side channel.

my_caption <- paste0('Left: ', my_caption1, ' Right: ', my_caption2)


4.3 Phase 2

During 2021 field assessments, habitat confirmation assessments were conducted at 29 sites in the Bulkley River and Morice River watershed groups. A total of approximately 25km of stream was assessed, fish sampling utilizing electrofishing was conducted at five sites, and five sites were mapped using remotely piloted aircraft. Georeferenced field maps are presented in here and available for bulk download as Attachment 1.

As collaborative decision making was ongoing at the time of reporting, site prioritization can be considered preliminary. In total, Twelve crossings were rated as high priorities for proceeding to design for replacement, 11 crossings were rated as moderate priorities, and 6 crossings were rated as low priorities. Results are summarized in Figure 4.1 and Tables 4.2 - 4.6 with raw habitat and fish sampling data included in digital format as Attachment 3. A summary of preliminary modelling results illustrating the quantity of chinook, coho and steelhead spawning and rearing habitat potentially available upstream of each crossing as estimated by measured/modelled channel width and upstream accessible stream length are presented in Figure 4.4. Detailed information for each site assessed with Phase 2 assessments (including maps) are presented within site specific appendices to this document.

#`r if(gitbook_on){knitr::asis_output("<br>")} else knitr::asis_output("<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>")`
# if(gitbook_on){
# tab_overview %>% 
#   select(-Tenure) %>%
#   fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Overview of habitat confirmation sites.')
# } else tab_overview %>% 
#   select(-Tenure) %>%
#   fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Overview of habitat confirmation sites.', scroll = F)

tab_overview %>% 
  select(-Tenure) %>%
  table_phase2_overview(caption_text = 'Overview of habitat confirmation sites. Default value for habitat estimates is from coho rearing model (total length of stream segments <5.5% gradient) however please see comments for exceptions.', scroll = gitbook_on)
Table 4.2: Table 4.3: Overview of habitat confirmation sites. Default value for habitat estimates is from coho rearing model (total length of stream segments <5.5% gradient) however please see comments for exceptions.
PSCIS ID Stream Road UTM (11U) Fish Species Habitat Gain (km) Habitat Value Priority Comments
57944 Toboggan Creek Highway 16 607729 6089383 CC,CH,CO,CT,DV,KO,L,LSU,MW,OS,PK,RB,SK,ST 52.4 High high Water quite turbid due to rain event. Armoured banks due to adjacent properties. Not very complex in area surveyed from highway up. Hatchery located upstream. Extremely high value spawning and rearing habitat upstream of Owen Creek bridge with spawning salmon noted throughout.
58151 McDowell Creek Woodmere Road 629753 6061126 RB 4.3 Medium low Channel dry. Close to house so very short dry survey. Lots of fines and sediment likely from cleared yard, roads, and agriculture use. Channel well defined.
123375 Tributary to Thompson Creek Highway 16 642497 6048191 0.0 Low low Mapped incorrectly as Thompson Ck mainstem in freshwater atlas. Main flow actually to north and flows under highway at PSCIS 123375. Heavily impacted by cattle. Fine substrates, low flow, very small stream. Unlikley fish bearing.
123377 Thompson Creek Walcott Road 641633 6049398 CO,CT,DV,RB 12.3 High high High value habitat, frequent deep pools to 80cm and abundant large woody debris and gravels. Narrow but meaningful mature cottonwoood riparian. Majority of flow comes from open bottom structure under highway (PSCIS 123376) vs channel mapped as mainstem. Site was revisted in 2023 for electrofishing and pit tagging. CO, RB, and DV were captured. MoTi has initiated geotechnical work at the site as part of engineering work for a replacement structure design.
123544 McDowell Creek Private Road 628287 6060648 RB 6.1 Medium low Dry at time of survey. Culvert inlet is perched aprox. 5m above channel. Road appears to be historic pipeline or powerline. Creates impassably steep gradients immediately downstream of crossing due to fill placement.
123770 John Brown Creek Highway 16 606627 6097185 BT,CH,CT,DV,RB 11.7 Medium high Frequent sections of gravels suitable for spawning salmon. Occasional very deep pools formed by large woody debris. Large eroding bank near mill. Mealthy mature mixed riparian vegetation. Six electrofishing sites.
123775 Witset Creek Highway 16 606445 6099726 Low low No flow. Beaver activity present. Stream channel overgrown. Witset Lake outflow disconnected from stream. Witset mainenance actively traps beavers to prevent flood events as of 2017.
124420 Station Creek Highway 16 586632 6122395 BT,CO,CT,DV,PK,RB,SP 9.3 Medium high Frequent pockets of gravels suitable for spawning throughout. High value spawning habitat in upper end of survey area. Refer to DFO report for habitat details.
124421 Tributary to Waterfall Creek 11th Ave 589467 6123042 CO,DV 1.3 Medium moderate Slow moving wetland type stream. Deep glides throughout with instream vegetation, overhanging vegetation, and undercut banks. Near top of survey, gradient increased slightly and substrate goes from fines/organics to small gravel.
124422 Tributary to Waterfall Creek Highway 16 589500 6123162 CO,DV 1.2 Medium low Appears to be restoration site with logs embedded in stream and gravels added. Upstream of footbridge stream flows from wetland type habitat. Low priority as 100% backwatered and likely passable for parr and adult salmon.
197370 Owen Creek Morice West FSR 639980 6008557 1.9 High high Aerial survey conducted. Wetland and glide type habitat. Bii Wenii C’eek historic fishing site located near confluence of this stream and Morice River. Office of Wet’suwet’en contact (Mike Risdale) reports that this stream historically carrier flows from mainstem of Owen Creek which has now been redirected to Morice River at bridge site upstream. Mesohabitat mapping conducted in this area in the fall of 2021 by Jeff Anderson.
197378 Tributary to Owen Creek Klate Lake 645085 5998822 DV,LNC,MW,RB 0.6 Medium moderate Small stream with multiple beaver influenced wetland areas with dams.Surveyed upstream on two branches to location of wetland areas. Several pockets of gravel suitable for resident rainbow spawning. Good flow with run habitat.
197379 Tributary to Owen Creek Morice-Owen FSR 640961 6005930 CO,RB 0.1 High high Abundant undercut banks with some pools. Healthy riparian vegetation providing cover and woody debris to habitat. Good flow.
197662 Richfield Creek Highway 16 672405 6044146 CH,CO,LKC,LNC,LSU,RB,ST 32.8 High high Three closed multipass electrofishing sites upstream and downstream. Habitat confirmation conducted in 2020 with results in 2021 report. Mesohabitat mapping conducted with Office of Wet’suwet’en field crew and Jeff Anderson in 2021.
197909 Tributary to Maxan Creek Maxan Creek FSR 687557 6020572 0.2 Medium low Small stream with beaver pond upstream. Downstream channel confined.
197912 Robert Hatch Creek Private 670963 6046221 LSU,RB 27.7 moderate High value habitat. Abundant gravels, deep pools, undercut banks, and small woody debris. Areas of algal growth. Cattle impacts extreme throughout.
197960 Corya Creek CN Railway 605786 6099884 DV,RB 10.0 High high High energy glaciated system. Substrate quite embedded. Three electrofishing sites upstream and three sites downstream.
197962 Peacock Creek Morice FSR 643460 6025890 4.8 Medium high Culvert has been replaced with a bridge. Complex habitat with undercut banks, large and small woody debris and some nice pools. Three closed site multi-pass electrofishing sites upstream and three downstream.
197967 Taman Creek Highway 16 692435 6032331 BMC,CSU,LKC,LNC,LSU,NSC,RB,RSC 51.9 Medium moderate First 250m above crossing was beaver influenced area with dry channel. Frequent pockets of gravels and small cobbles suitable for rainbow trout and coho salmon spawning further upstream. Canyon section has deep bedrock pools with small fish present.
197975 Ailport Creek Private Driveway 680832 6040045 CO,CT,RB 24.7 Medium high Cattle and dredgeing damage in first sections of survey with dredges in first 80m removing all habitat. Heavy grazing continuous for another few hundred meters. Deep pools, undercut banks, and overhanging vegetation occurs throughout. Fence across stream halfway up. Some areas have large piles of substrate deposited within extent of channel (perhaps from flooding). Two electrofishing sites upstream and two sites downstream.
197976 Ailport Creek Highway 16 680645 6039756 CO,CT,RB 25.1 High moderate Fish sighted throughout. Extensive algae growth seen during entire survey. Fences accrosss creek near highway including electric fence. Riparian / bank damage from livestock quite minimal and only seen in a few places as trails, perhaps watering sites. 150mm long fish observed swimming upstream through culvert during survey.
198000 McBride Creek Nanika FSR 605511 5992667 BB,CAS,CO,CSU,CT,DV,LDC,LSU,LT,LW,MW,PCC,RB,RSC,WSU 20.1 High moderate Abundant instream vegetation including vascular plants. Large woody debris accumulated at outflow of McBride Lake.
198008 Tributary to Nanika River Spur 606426 5986782 0.0 Medium moderate Multiple channels. Surveyed non-dominant channel. Site should be reassessed to confirm habitat upstream of 100m. Bottom 100m before split is low gradient gravels with good flow for time of year.
198016 Tributary to Thautil River Chisholm FSR 608138 6020911 SP 1.2 Medium moderate Fish sighted in stream (unknown species). Sporadic pools and abundant deeply undercut banks. Abundant gravels present suitable for spawning. Very occasional large and small woody debris steps to 70cm. Good flow with mature spruce riparian.Site is pinned to wrong stream in PSCIS as actual stream is just south of where coordinate is and is on larger system. Location has been corrected in bcfishpass. Although not modelled as salmon/steelhead habitat, upstream habitat likely suitable for non-anadromous species estimated by hand in QGIS at 1200m and is habitat modelling as less than 12% gradient and within south fork of stream only. Sampling recomended.
198048 Cesford Creek Highway 16 674397 6043433 10.7 High moderate Stream appears to have been dredged for near entire length between highways. Left side of stream is powerline and highway for first 200m. Riparian area is very sparse below due to agricultural land clearing. Fish are concentrated in pool habitat which is sporatic. Frequent pockets of gravel throughout. Good flow. Eroded bank at near highway 118.
198049 Cesford Creek Highway 118 674875 6043782 10.0 High moderate Good flow and decent complexity due to mature cottonwood riparian / large woody debris. Occossional pools and frequent gravel sections.
198064 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Spur 623369 6000283 DV 1.8 Medium moderate Comparitively good flow for a smaller tributary in the greater Lamprey Creek watershed. Abundant gravel suitable for coho spawning at higher flows. Abundant undercut banks for cover but pools observed as shallow. Upstream habitat estimated from QGIS and is mainstem habitat less than 9% gradient and mostly confirmed DV habitat.
198066 Thompson Creek Private Road 640244 6048061 CO,CRS,CT,DV,RB,SP 14.7 High high Important migration corridor. Fully channelized through agricultural area. Fine sediments, pool and glide habitat up to 80 cm deep. Canary reed grass riparian. Landowner reports stream was redirected in 60s and used to flow from the valley to the Bulkley in a low lying area in a north west direction.
198090 Cesford Creek CN Railway 673235 6043218 RB 11.7 High high No connection to Bulkley River under railway found and landowner reports there is not one present. Large ditch runs north-south and may be impacting water level in oxbow type habitat comprising lower end of stream. Primarily dry to just before Highway 16. Important migration corridor. Coho would likely be present upstream if connected to the Bulkley River.

fpr::fpr_table_cv_summary(dat = pscis_phase2) %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Summary of Phase 2 fish passage reassessments.', scroll = gitbook_on)
Table 4.4: Summary of Phase 2 fish passage reassessments.
PSCIS ID Embedded Outlet Drop (m) Diameter (m) SWR Slope (%) Length (m) Final score Barrier Result
57944 No 0.00 7.00 1.2 3.0 30 29 Barrier
58151 No 0.25 1.00 1.8 5.0 14 31 Barrier
123375 No 0.00 0.50 2.0 2.0 29 24 Barrier
123377 No 0.25 1.05 4.6 3.0 29 34 Barrier
123544 No 0.00 1.50 1.8 18.5 14 26 Barrier
123770 No 0.64 4.00 3.1 2.0 36 37 Barrier
123775 No 0.00 1.22 0.4 0.5 32 16 Potential
124420 No 0.80 1.60 3.5 3.5 90 42 Barrier
124421 No 0.30 1.00 2.6 1.0 15 34 Barrier
124422 No 0.00 1.20 4.3 1.5 45 27 Barrier
197370 No 0.00 0.90 7.6 1.0 18 24 Barrier
197378 No 0.10 1.00 2.4 1.0 15 24 Barrier
197379 No 0.47 1.50 4.3 1.5 26 34 Barrier
197662 No 0.20 4.20 3.0 2.0 24 29 Barrier
197909 No 0.00 0.60 1.5 3.0 16 29 Barrier
197912 12.00 0.0 7 0 Passable
197960 No 0.65 3.40 5.3 2.5 24 34 Barrier
197962 No 0.50 3.60 2.6 3.5 15 39 Barrier
197967 No 0.00 3.00 1.8 2.5 30 27 Barrier
197975 No 0.30 3.00 2.2 4.0 10 36 Barrier
197976 No 3.50 2.1 2.0 23 24 Barrier
198000 No 0.05 3.90 2.3 0.5 16 19 Potential
198008 No 0.18 0.90 2.0 6.0 11 31 Barrier
198016 No 0.19 1.20 1.1 5.0 25 31 Barrier
198048 No 0.00 2.50 2.2 1.5 25 24 Barrier
198049 No 0.50 3.70 1.3 1.5 21 34 Barrier
198064 No 0.54 1.60 1.6 5.0 14 36 Barrier
198066 No 0.00 1.30 2.1 0.4 6 16 Potential
198090 No 0.00 0.10 50.0 3.0 15 29 Barrier

tab_cost_est_phase2_report %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Cost benefit analysis for Phase 2 assessments. Default value for habitat estimates is from coho rearing model (total length of stream segments <5.5% gradient) however please see comments for exceptions.)', 
                 scroll = gitbook_on)
Table 4.5: Cost benefit analysis for Phase 2 assessments. Default value for habitat estimates is from coho rearing model (total length of stream segments <5.5% gradient) however please see comments for exceptions.)
PSCIS ID Stream Road Result Habitat value Stream Width (m) Fix Cost Est (in $K) Habitat Upstream (m) Cost Benefit (m / $K) Cost Benefit (m2 / $K)
57944 Toboggan Creek Highway 16 Barrier High 8.5 OBS 12150 52355 4.3 36.6
58151 McDowell Creek Woodmere Road Barrier Medium 1.7 SS-CBS 400 4300 10.8 18.3
123377 Thompson Creek Walcott Road Barrier High 4.8 OBS 2400 12315 5.1 24.6
123544 McDowell Creek Private Road Barrier Medium OBS 300 6070 20.2
123770 John Brown Highway 16 Barrier Medium 12.2 OBS 17100 11710 0.7 8.4
123775 Witset Creek Highway 16 Potential Low 2.4 SS-CBS 3000
124420 Mission Creek Highway 16 Barrier Medium 5.7 OBS 27000 9255 0.3 2.0
124421 Tributary to Waterfall Creek 11th Ave Barrier Medium 2.6 OBS 1200 1340 1.1 2.9
124422 Tributary to Waterfall Creek Highway 16 Barrier Medium 6.7 OBS 17100 1210 0.1 0.5
197370 Owen Creek Morice West FSR Barrier High OBS 360 1870 5.2
197378 Tributary to Owen Creek Klate Lake Barrier Medium 1.8 OBS 300 560 1.9 3.4
197379 Tributary to Owen Creek Morice-Owen FSR Barrier High 6.4 OBS 480 120 0.2 1.6
197662 Richfield Creek Highway 16 Barrier High 13.2 OBS 14850 32780 2.2 29.1
197909 Tributary to Maxan Creek Maxan Creek FSR Barrier Medium 1.3 SS-CBS 100 225 2.2 2.9
197912 Robert Hatch Creek Private Passable 4.3 30 27720 924.0 3973.2
197960 Corya Creek Railway Barrier High 18.0 OBS 20700 9960 0.5 8.7
197962 Peacock Creek Morice FSR Barrier Medium 6.9 OBS 480 4810 10.0 69.1
197967 Taman Creek Highway 16 Barrier Medium 5.3 OBS 27900 51905 1.9 9.9
197975 Ailport Creek Private Driveway Barrier Medium 7.7 OBS 345 24690 71.6 551.1
197976 Ailport Creek Highway 16 Barrier High 8.1 OBS 11250 25090 2.2 18.1
198000 McBride Creek Nanika FSR Potential High 5.5 OBS 420 20095 47.8 263.1
198008 Tributary to Nanika River Spur Barrier Medium 2.0 SS-CBS 100 0 0.0 0.0
198016 Tributary to Thautil River Chisholm FSR Barrier Medium 1.9 SS-CBS 100 1200 12.0 22.8
198048 Cesford Creek Highway 16 Barrier High 5.1 OBS 9000 10700 1.2 6.1
198049 Cesford Creek Highway 118 Barrier High 5.0 OBS 9000 10030 1.1 5.6
198064 Tributary to Lamprey Creek Spur Barrier Medium 2.8 OBS 300 1800 6.0 16.8
198066 Thompson Creek Private Road Potential High 2.8 OBS 300 14705 49.0 137.2
198090 Cesford Creek Railway Barrier High OBS 300 11700 39.0

tab_hab_summary %>% 
  filter(Location %ilike% 'upstream') %>% 
  select(-Location) %>% 
  rename(`PSCIS ID` = Site, `Length surveyed upstream (m)` = `Length Surveyed (m)`) %>%
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Summary of Phase 2 habitat confirmation details.', scroll = gitbook_on)
Table 4.6: Summary of Phase 2 habitat confirmation details.
PSCIS ID Length surveyed upstream (m) Channel Width (m) Wetted Width (m) Pool Depth (m) Gradient (%) Total Cover Habitat Value
57944 880 8.5 6.7 0.5 2.1 moderate high
57944 150 12.6 10.5 2.0 0.5 abundant high
58151 70 1.7 0.8 abundant low
123375 100 1.7 1.9 0.7 low
123377 450 4.8 3.4 0.7 2.7 abundant high
123544 25 low
123770 1000 12.2 8.3 0.8 2.9 moderate high
123770 350 11.2 9.1 0.3 3.0 moderate high
123775 200 2.4 0.9 1.2 moderate low
124420 370 5.7 4.7 0.5 2.0 abundant high
124420 430 6.2 5.5 0.5 abundant high
124421 120 2.6 2.5 0.3 1.0 abundant moderate
124422 350 6.7 6.6 1.0 abundant moderate
197370 1500 high
197378 665 1.8 1.5 3.0 abundant medium
197379 800 6.4 3.1 0.7 4.8 moderate high
197662 100 13.2 2.1 high
197909 100 1.3 moderate moderate
197912 340 4.3 2.5 0.6 1.5 abundant high
197960 1000 18.0 8.9 0.7 2.8 moderate medium
197962 750 6.9 3.6 0.4 2.8 moderate high
197967 800 5.3 2.3 0.7 1.7 moderate medium
197967 400 3.8 2.2 0.5 1.5 moderate medium
197975 550 7.7 3.5 0.3 3.0 moderate medium
197976 345 8.1 4.2 0.3 2.2 moderate medium
198000 135 5.5 4.4 1.0 moderate high
198008 800 2.0 0.9 0.2 7.5 abundant medium
198016 625 1.9 1.5 0.3 7.0 moderate medium
198042 11.5 11.0 0.2 moderate
198048 675 5.1 3.3 0.3 2.8 moderate medium
198049 600 5.0 2.8 0.5 2.1 moderate medium
198049 500 4.3 1.9 0.5 4.2 moderate medium
198064 500 2.8 1.9 4.2 moderate medium
198066 350 2.8 2.1 0.5 moderate medium
198066 450 5.2 2.8 0.4 2.5 moderate high
198090 moderate

fpr::fpr_table_wshd_sum() %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = paste0('Summary of watershed area statistics upstream of Phase 2 crossings.'),
                                 footnote_text = 'Elev P60 = Elevation at which 60% of the watershed area is above')
Table 4.7: Summary of watershed area statistics upstream of Phase 2 crossings.
Site Area Km Elev Site Elev Min Elev Max Elev Median Elev P60 Aspect
57944 119.9 413 412 2586 629 547 SE
58151 15.9 610 576 1038 850 810 SSW
123377 43.1 613 596 1623 832 802 WSW
123544 15.9 553 576 1038 850 810 SSW
123770 80.6 385 375 2050 1201 1087 SE
123775 4.1 406 478 1248 762 697 E
124420 28.6 301 211 2171 521 425 NNE
124422 3.3 320 224 430 331 326 SSW
197370 3.9 650 644 953 739 717 WSW
197378 7.9 758 743 2073 920 885 ENE
197379 32.9 676 688 1418 931 909 SSW
197662 161.3 676 650 1753 1096 1039 SSW
197909 2.1 835 788 956 851 847 E
197912 31.5 720 715 1070 1004 983 S
197960 65.7 415 410 2502 1260 1106 ESE
197962 36.3 631 654 1822 1166 1119 E
197967 93.8 736 699 1373 900 870 S
197975 66.9 735 736 1445 1186 1093 SSW
197976 66.9 729 736 1445 1186 1093 SSW
198000 83.5 799 1597 908 887 SSW
198008 1.6 912 1605 1221 1150 NW
198048 36.6 679 659 1543 935 914 SSW
198049 34.0 698 675 1543 951 929 SSW
198064 4.8 740 763 1221 1061 967 WSW
198066 43.1 548 596 1623 832 802 WSW
* Elev P60 = Elevation at which 60% of the watershed area is above

bcfp_xref_plot <- xref_bcfishpass_names %>% 
  filter(!is.na(id_join) &
           !bcfishpass %ilike% 'below' &
           !bcfishpass %ilike% 'all' &
           !bcfishpass %ilike% '_ha' &
           (bcfishpass %ilike% 'rearing' | 
              bcfishpass %ilike% 'spawning')) 

bcfishpass_phase2_plot_prep <- bcfishpass %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 1)) %>%
    filter(stream_crossing_id %in% (pscis_phase2 %>% pull(pscis_crossing_id))) %>% 
  select(stream_crossing_id, all_of(bcfp_xref_plot$bcfishpass)) %>% 
  # filter(stream_crossing_id != 197665) %>% 
  mutate(stream_crossing_id = as.factor(stream_crossing_id)) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = ch_spawning_km:st_rearing_km)  %>% 
  filter(value > 0.0 &
         , !name %ilike% 'sk'
         ) %>% 
    # name = stringr::str_replace_all(name, '_belowupstrbarriers_km', ''),
         name = stringr::str_replace_all(name, '_rearing', ' rearing'),
         name = stringr::str_replace_all(name, '_spawning', ' spawning'))
    # rename('Habitat type' = name,
    #        "Habitat (km)" = value)
 bcfishpass_phase2_plot_prep %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = stream_crossing_id, y = value)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")+
  facet_wrap(~name, ncol = 2)+
  ggdark::dark_theme_bw(base_size = 11)+
   theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5)) +
  labs(x = "Site", y = "Modelled habitat (km)")
Summary of potential habitat upstream of habitat confirmation assessment sites estimated based on modelled channel width and upstream channel length.

Figure 4.4: Summary of potential habitat upstream of habitat confirmation assessment sites estimated based on modelled channel width and upstream channel length.

4.3.1 Fish Sampling

Fish sampling was conducted at 31 sites with a total of 663 fish captured. Of these, 400 were rainbow trout, 147 coho, 69 were dolly varden and 19 were lamprey. Fork length data was used to delineate salmonids based on life stages: fry (0 to 65mm), parr (>65 to 110mm), juvenile (>110mm to 140mm) and adult (>140mm) by visually assessing the histograms presented in Figure 4.5. A summary of sites assessed are included in Table 4.8 and raw data is provided in Attachment 3. A summary of density results for all life stages combined of select species is also presented in Figure 4.6. Results are presented in greater detail within individual habitat confirmation site appendices.

Histograms of fish lengths by species.  Fish captured by electrofishing during habitat confirmation assessments.

Figure 4.5: Histograms of fish lengths by species. Fish captured by electrofishing during habitat confirmation assessments.

tab_fish_sites_sum %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Summary of electrofishing sites.')
Table 4.8: Summary of electrofishing sites.
site passes ef_length_m ef_width_m area_m2 enclosure
123770_us_ef1 1 15.7 1.65 25.9 Open
123770_us_ef2 1 3.3 3.23 10.7 Open
123770_us_ef3 1 1.8 2.83 5.1 Open
123770_us_ef4 1 6.4 3.57 22.8 Open
123770_us_ef5 1 4.8 3.03 14.5 Open
123770_us_ef6 1 2.9 2.00 5.8 Open
197662_ds_ef1 6 21.4 6.10 130.5 Closed
197662_ds_ef2 4 5.8 5.60 32.5 Closed
197662_ds_ef3 3 4.2 6.05 25.4 Closed
197662_us_ef1 4 6.4 7.00 44.8 Closed
197662_us_ef2 3 5.1 4.83 24.6 Closed
197662_us_ef3 3 5.6 2.73 15.3 Closed
197912_ds_ef1 3 8.6 4.80 41.3 Closed
197912_ds_ef2 1 28.0 1.96 54.9 Open
197912_ds_ef3 1 14.0 2.87 40.2 Open
197960_ds_ef1 1 9.6 1.28 12.3 Open
197960_ds_ef2 1 5.0 1.83 9.2 Open
197960_ds_ef3 1 10.1 1.67 16.9 Open
197960_us_ef1 1 4.7 1.65 7.8 Open
197960_us_ef2 1 19.0 1.86 35.3 Open
197960_us_ef3 1 3.3 3.27 10.8 Open
197962_ds_ef1 3 14.2 4.83 68.6 Closed
197962_ds_ef2 3 6.8 4.63 31.5 Closed
197962_ds_ef3 3 7.1 2.90 20.6 Closed
197962_us_ef1 3 7.2 3.87 27.9 Closed
197962_us_ef2 3 5.7 4.97 28.3 Closed
197962_us_ef3 3 7.0 5.27 36.9 Closed
197975_ds_ef1 1 3.8 4.27 16.2 Open
197975_ds_ef2 1 3.9 3.60 14.0 Open
197975_us_ef1 1 6.0 3.30 19.8 Open
197975_us_ef2 1 3.0 2.97 8.9 Open

plot_fish_box_all <-  fish_abund %>% #tab_fish_density_prep
      !species_code %in% c('MW', 'SU', 'NFC', 'CT', 'LSU')
    ) %>%
    ggplot(., aes(x = location, y =density_100m2)) +
    facet_grid(site ~ species_code, scales ="fixed", #life_stage
               as.table = T)+
    # theme_bw()+
    theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title.x=element_blank()) +
    geom_dotplot(binaxis='y', stackdir='center', dotsize=1)+
    ylab(expression(Density ~ (Fish/100 ~  m^2))) +

Boxplots of densities (fish/100m2) of fish captured by electrofishing during habitat confirmation assessments.

Figure 4.6: Boxplots of densities (fish/100m2) of fish captured by electrofishing during habitat confirmation assessments.

4.4 Phase 3

Engineering designs have been completed for replacement of PSCIS crossing 58159 on McDowell Creek (Irvine 2021) with a clear-span bridge and for removal of the collapsed bridge (PSCIS crossing 197912) on Robert Hatch Creek. Designs for McDowell and Robert Hatch were procured by SERNbc and Canadian Wildlife Federation respectively. At the time of reporting, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure was in the process of procuring designs for remediation of fish passage at three sites documented in Irvine (2021) including PSCIS 123445 on Tyhee Creek, PSCIS 124500 on Helps Creek and PSCIS 197640 on a tributary to Buck Creek. Additionally, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure were procuring a design for PSCIS crossing 124420 on Mission Creek (a.k.a Station Creek) in Hazleton (pers. comm. Sean Wong, Environmental Programs, MoTi). Details for the habitat confirmation of Mission Creek are included in the associated appendix of this report.

4.5 Phase 4

Ministry of Forest engineers collaborated with Canfor and Coastal Gaslink to replace crossing 197962 on Peacock Creek located on the Morice FSR within the Morice River watershed group. As detailed in the associated attachment within this report, baseline effectiveness monitoring including multipass electrofishing at three closed sites both upstream and downstream of the FSR in the fall of 2021 before the bridge install occurred.