Peacock Creek - 197962 - Appendix

Site Location

PSCIS crossing 197962 was located on Peacock Creek approximately 9km west of Houston, BC. Crossing 197962 was located on Morice FSR approximately 1.2km upstream from the confluence with the Morice River. Crossing 197962 is the responsibility of the Ministry of Forests.


At crossing 197962, Peacock Creek is a fourth order stream with a watershed area upstream of the crossing of approximately 36.3km2. The elevation of the watershed ranges from a maximum of 1822m to 654m near the crossing (Table 5.51).

Upstream of crossing 197962, no fish species have previously been recorded within provincial databases (MoE 2020b; Norris 2020).

McCarthy and Fernando (2015) and Smith (2018) reported that a large concrete weir and spillway that were built in the 1990s were not functioning correctly and that the crossing was a high priority fish barrier. Gaboury and Smith (2016) conducted a site survey in 2015 and produced design options to remediate passage. There were no records of crossing 197962 within PSCIS before the 2021 assessment data was loaded in. The site was prioritized for follow up because of significant amounts of habitat modelled as upstream of the crossing (Table 5.52). A map of the watershed is provided in map attachment 093L.109.

fpr::fpr_table_wshd_sum(site_id = my_site) %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = paste0('Summary of derived upstream watershed statistics for PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.'),
           footnote_text = 'Elev P60 = Elevation at which 60% of the watershed area is above',
           scroll = F)
Table 5.51: Summary of derived upstream watershed statistics for PSCIS crossing 197962.
Site Area Km Elev Site Elev Min Elev Max Elev Median Elev P60 Aspect
197962 36.3 631 654 1822 1166 1119 E
* Elev P60 = Elevation at which 60% of the watershed area is above

fpr::fpr_table_bcfp(scroll = gitbook_on) 
Table 5.52: Summary of fish habitat modelling for PSCIS crossing 197962.
Habitat Potential Remediation Gain Remediation Gain (%)
ST Network (km) 6.1 6.1 100
ST Lake Reservoir (ha) 0.0
ST Wetland (ha) 0.0
ST Slopeclass03 Waterbodies (km) 0.0 0.0
ST Slopeclass03 (km) 0.4 0.4 100
ST Slopeclass05 (km) 4.5 4.5 100
ST Slopeclass08 (km) 0.1 0.1 100
ST Spawning (km) 3.0 3.0 100
ST Rearing (km) 4.9 4.9 100
CH Spawning (km) 3.0 3.0 100
CH Rearing (km) 4.8 4.8 100
CO Spawning (km) 4.8 4.8 100
CO Rearing (km) 4.8 4.8 100
CO Rearing (ha) 0.0
SK Spawning (km) 0.0 0.0
SK Rearing (km) 0.0 0.0
SK Rearing (ha) 0.0
All Spawning (km) 4.8 4.8 100
All Rearing (km) 4.9 4.9 100
All Spawning Rearing (km) 4.9 4.9 100
* Model data is preliminary and subject to adjustments.

Stream Characteristics at Crossing

At the time of the survey, PSCIS crossing 197962 was un-backwatered, un-embedded and ranked as a barrier to upstream fish passage according to the provincial protocol (MoE 2011b) (Table 5.53). Water temperature was 8\(^\circ\)C, pH was 8.2 and conductivity was 222uS/cm.

Table 5.53: Summary of fish passage assessment for PSCIS crossing 197962.
Location and Stream Data
Crossing Characteristics
Date 2021-09-07 Crossing Sub Type Oval Culvert
PSCIS ID 197962 Diameter (m) 3.6
External ID Length (m) 15
Crew KP Embedded No
UTM Zone 9 Depth Embedded (m)
Easting 643460.3 Resemble Channel No
Northing 6025890 Backwatered No
Stream Peacock Creek Percent Backwatered
Road Morice FSR Fill Depth (m) 3.5
Road Tenure FLNR DND 4656 Outlet Drop (m) 0.5
Channel Width (m) 9.3 Outlet Pool Depth (m) 1.05
Stream Slope (%) 4 Inlet Drop Yes
Beaver Activity No Slope (%) 3.5
Habitat Value Medium Valley Fill Deep Fill
Final score 39 Barrier Result Barrier
Fix type Replace with New Open Bottom Structure Fix Span / Diameter 16
Photos: From top left clockwise: Road/Site Card, Barrel, Outlet, Downstream, Upstream, Inlet.
Comments: Partial inlet drop of varying height due to large woody debris and boulders. Side channel dry, must be seasonal use only. 17:47
##this is useful to get some comments for the report
hab_site %>% filter(site == my_site & location == 'us') %>% pull(comments)
my_priority <-  my_priority_info()

Stream Characteristics Downstream

The stream was surveyed downstream from crossing 197962 for 600m (Figures 5.68 - 5.69). The dominant substrate was cobbles with boulders sub-dominant.The average channel width was 8.1m, the average wetted width was 4.2m, and the average gradient was 2.6%.Total cover amount was rated as moderate with undercut banks dominant. Cover was also present as small woody debris, large woody debris, boulders, deep pools, and overhanging vegetation. Multiple areas of side channels and small braided sections were noted with intermittent sections of aggraded cobbles / gravels moved in high flows. There were pockets of gravel present suitable for spawning resident and anadromous salmonids.
The complex habitat was rated as high value for salmonid rearing and spawning.

Stream Characteristics Upstream

The stream was surveyed upstream from crossing 197962 for 750m (Figures 5.70 - 5.71). The dominant substrate was cobbles with boulders sub-dominant.The average channel width was 6.9m, the average wetted width was 3.6m, and the average gradient was 2.8%.Total cover amount was rated as moderate with boulders dominant. Cover was also present as small woody debris, large woody debris, undercut banks, and deep pools. Survey notes indicate signs of high powerful flows, including clumped large woody debris. Patches of gravels suitable for spawning were present. Habitat value was rated as high as the surveyed area was considered an important migration corridor containing suitable spawning habitat and having high rearing potential.

Fish Sampling

Multipass electrofishing was conducted at three sites upstream of the crossing and three sites downstream. Results are summarised in Tables 5.55 - 5.56 and Figure 5.65. Photos are provided in Figures 5.66 - 5.67.

Structure Remediation and Cost

Through a collaboration between FLNR, Canfor and Coastal Gaslink, PSCIS crossing 197962 was remediated in the fall of 2021 shortly after habitat confirmation field assessments were completed.


Access was restored to an estimated 4.8km of habitat modelled upstream of crossing 197962 due to the replacement of the culvert with a clear span bridge. Although numerous dolly varden and several rainbow trout were captured upstream, coho salmon were captured downstream only before the site restoration indicating that 197962 was a complete barrier to upstream fish passage. The completion of three multi-pass closed electrofishing sites both upstream and downstream of the crossing can provide baseline data for future effectiveness monitoring at the site to track changes in fish population structure resulting from the works.

tab_hab_summary %>% 
  filter(Site  == my_site) %>% 
  # select(-Site) %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = paste0('Summary of habitat details for PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.'),
                 scroll = F) 
Table 5.54: Summary of habitat details for PSCIS crossing 197962.
Site Location Length Surveyed (m) Channel Width (m) Wetted Width (m) Pool Depth (m) Gradient (%) Total Cover Habitat Value
197962 Downstream 600 8.1 4.2 0.4 2.6 moderate high
197962 Upstream 750 6.9 3.6 0.4 2.8 moderate high

fpr_table_fish_site(sit = my_site)
Table 5.55: Fish sampling site summary for 197962.
site passes ef_length_m ef_width_m area_m2 enclosure
197962_ds_ef1 3 14.2 4.83 68.6 Closed
197962_ds_ef2 3 6.8 4.63 31.5 Closed
197962_ds_ef3 3 7.1 2.90 20.6 Closed
197962_us_ef1 3 7.2 3.87 27.9 Closed
197962_us_ef2 3 5.7 4.97 28.3 Closed
197962_us_ef3 3 7.0 5.27 36.9 Closed

fpr_table_fish_density(sit = my_site)
Table 5.56: Fish sampling density results summary for 197962.
local_name species_code life_stage catch density_100m2 nfc_pass
197962_ds_ef1 CO fry 1 1.5 TRUE
197962_ds_ef1 CO parr 1 1.5 TRUE
197962_ds_ef1 CT parr 1 1.5 TRUE
197962_ds_ef1 DV fry 3 4.4 FALSE
197962_ds_ef1 DV parr 5 7.3 FALSE
197962_ds_ef1 DV adult 1 1.5 TRUE
197962_ds_ef1 RB fry 3 4.4 FALSE
197962_ds_ef1 RB parr 9 13.1 TRUE
197962_ds_ef1 RB juvenile 1 1.5 FALSE
197962_ds_ef2 DV fry 2 6.3 TRUE
197962_ds_ef2 DV parr 3 9.5 TRUE
197962_ds_ef2 DV juvenile 1 3.2 TRUE
197962_ds_ef2 NFC 0 0.0 TRUE
197962_ds_ef2 RB fry 5 15.9 TRUE
197962_ds_ef2 RB parr 4 12.7 TRUE
197962_ds_ef3 CO fry 1 4.9 TRUE
197962_ds_ef3 CO parr 7 34.0 TRUE
197962_ds_ef3 DV fry 1 4.9 TRUE
197962_ds_ef3 NFC 0 0.0 TRUE
197962_ds_ef3 RB fry 1 4.9 TRUE
197962_ds_ef3 RB parr 3 14.6 TRUE
197962_us_ef1 DV fry 8 28.7 TRUE
197962_us_ef1 DV parr 6 21.5 FALSE
197962_us_ef1 DV juvenile 2 7.2 TRUE
197962_us_ef1 RB juvenile 1 3.6 TRUE
197962_us_ef2 DV fry 5 17.7 TRUE
197962_us_ef2 DV parr 2 7.1 TRUE
197962_us_ef2 DV juvenile 1 3.5 FALSE
197962_us_ef2 DV adult 1 3.5 TRUE
197962_us_ef3 DV fry 6 16.3 TRUE
197962_us_ef3 DV parr 7 19.0 FALSE
197962_us_ef3 DV juvenile 2 5.4 TRUE
197962_us_ef3 RB juvenile 1 2.7 TRUE
197962_us_ef3 RB adult 1 2.7 TRUE
* nfc_pass FALSE means fish were captured in final pass indicating more fish of this species/lifestage may have remained in site.
Mark-recaptured required to reduce uncertainties.

my_caption <- paste0('Densites of fish (fish/100m2) capture upstream and downstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.')

fpr_plot_fish_box(sit = my_site) 
Densites of fish (fish/100m2) capture upstream and downstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

Figure 5.65: Densites of fish (fish/100m2) capture upstream and downstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

my_photo1 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(str_to_pull = 'ds_ef1_')

my_caption1 = paste0('Closed electrofishing site downstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.')
Closed electrofishing site downstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

Figure 5.66: Closed electrofishing site downstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

my_photo2 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(str_to_pull = 'us_ef1_')

my_caption2 = paste0('Closed electrofishing site upstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.')
Closed electrofishing site upstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

Figure 5.67: Closed electrofishing site upstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

my_caption <- paste0('Left: ', my_caption1, ' Right: ', my_caption2)

my_photo1 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(str_to_pull = '_d1_')

my_caption1 = paste0('Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.')

# fpr::fpr_photo_flip(site_id = 1802488, str_to_pull = '6257')
Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

Figure 5.68: Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

my_photo2 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(str_to_pull = '_d2_')

my_caption2 = paste0('Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.')
Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

Figure 5.69: Habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

my_caption <- paste0('Left: ', my_caption1, ' Right: ', my_caption2)

my_photo1 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(str_to_pull = '_u1_')

my_caption1 = paste0('Habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.')
Habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

Figure 5.70: Habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

my_photo2 = fpr::fpr_photo_pull_by_str(str_to_pull = '_u2_')

my_caption2 = paste0('Habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, '.')
Habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

Figure 5.71: Habitat upstream of PSCIS crossing 197962.

my_caption <- paste0('Left: ', my_caption1, ' Right: ', my_caption2)

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE)
my_site <- 197967
my_site2 <- 198043