4 Results and Discussion

Results of Planning, Phase 1 and Phase 2 assessments are summarized in Figure 4.1 with additional details provided in sections below.

##make colors for the priorities
pal <- 
   colorFactor(palette = c("red", "yellow", "grey", "black"), 
               levels = c("high", "moderate", "low", "no fix"))

pal_phase1 <- 
   colorFactor(palette = c("red", "yellow", "grey", "black"), 
               levels = c("high", "moderate", "low", NA))

tab_map_phase2 <- tab_map %>% filter(source %like% 'phase2')
# marker_options <- markerOptions(  
#   zIndexOffset = 1000)
tracks <- sf::read_sf("./data/habitat_confirmation_tracks.gpx", layer = "tracks")
  # filter(!pscis_crossing_id %in% c(62423, 62426, 50181, 50159)) ##these ones are not correct - fix later

wshd_study_areas <- sf::read_sf('data/fishpass_mapping/fishpass_mapping.gpkg', layer = 'wshd_study_areas')
  # st_transform(crs = 4326)
# photo_metadata <- readr::read_csv(file = 'data/photo_metadata.csv')
map <- leaflet(height=500, width=780) %>%
  # leaflet() %>% 
  addTiles()  %>% 
  # leafem::addMouseCoordinates(proj4 = 26911) %>% ##can't seem to get it to render utms yet
  # addProviderTiles(providers$"Esri.DeLorme") %>% 
  addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldTopoMap", group = "Topo") %>%
  addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery", group = "ESRI Aerial") %>% 
  addPolygons(data = wshd_study_areas %>% 
                filter(watershed_group_code == 'ELKR'), 
              color = "#C39D50", 
              weight = 1, 
              smoothFactor = 0.5,
              opacity = 1.0, 
              fillOpacity = 0.2,
              fillColor = "#C39D50", 
              label = 'Elk River Watershed Group') %>%
  addPolygons(data = wshds, color = "#0859C6", weight = 1, smoothFactor = 0.5,
    opacity = 1.0, fillOpacity = 0.25,
    fillColor = "#00DBFF", 
    label = wshds$stream_crossing_id, 
    popup = leafpop::popupTable(x = select(wshds %>% st_set_geometry(NULL),
                                           Site = stream_crossing_id, 
                                feature.id = F,
                                row.numbers = F),
    group = "Phase 2") %>%
  # addPolygons(data = wshd_study_areas %>% filter(watershed_group_code == 'MORR'), color = "#C39D50", weight = 1, smoothFactor = 0.5,
  #   opacity = 1.0, fillOpacity = 0,
  #   fillColor = "#C39D50", label = 'Morice River') %>%
  # addPolylines(data=forest_tenure_road_lines,  opacity=1, color = '#ff7f00',
  #              fillOpacity = 0.75, weight=2) %>%
    position = "topright",
    colors = c("red", "yellow", "grey", "black"),
    labels = c("High", "Moderate", "Low", 'No fix'), opacity = 1,
    title = "Fish Passage Priorities",
  ) %>%
    # addCircleMarkers(
    # data=tab_plan_sf,
    # label = tab_plan_sf$Comments,
    # labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = F, textOnly = F),
    # popup = leafpop::popupTable(x = tab_plan_sf %>% st_drop_geometry(),
    #                             feature.id = F,
    #                             row.numbers = F),
    # radius = 9,
    # fillColor = ~pal_phase1(tab_plan_sf$Priority),
    # color= "#ffffff",
    # stroke = TRUE,
    # fillOpacity = 1.0,
    # weight = 2,
    # opacity = 1.0,
    # group = "Planning") %>% 

    addCircleMarkers(data=tab_map %>% filter(source %like% 'phase1' | source %like% 'pscis_reassessments'),
    label = tab_map %>% filter(source %like% 'phase1' | source %like% 'pscis_reassessments') %>% pull(pscis_crossing_id),               
    # label = tab_map$pscis_crossing_id,
    labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = F, textOnly = TRUE),
    popup = leafpop::popupTable(x = select((tab_map %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% filter(source %like% 'phase1' | source %like% 'pscis_reassessments')),
                                           Site = pscis_crossing_id, 
                                           Priority = priority_phase1, 
                                           Stream = stream_name, 
                                           Road = road_name, 
                                           `Habitat value`= habitat_value, 
                                           `Barrier Result` = barrier_result, 
                                           `Culvert data` = data_link, 
                                           `Culvert photos` = photo_link),
                                feature.id = F,
                                row.numbers = F),
    radius = 9,
    fillColor = ~pal_phase1(priority_phase1),
    color= "#ffffff",
    stroke = TRUE,
    fillOpacity = 1.0,
    weight = 2,
    opacity = 1.0,
    group = "Phase 1"
    ) %>% 
                 opacity=0.75, color = '#e216c4',
               fillOpacity = 0.75, weight=5, group = "Phase 2") %>%
    lng = photo_metadata$gps_longitude,
    lat = photo_metadata$gps_latitude,
    popup = leafpop::popupImage(photo_metadata$url, src = "remote"),
    clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(),
    group = "Phase 2") %>%
    label = tab_hab_map$pscis_crossing_id,
    labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T, textOnly = TRUE),
    popup = leafpop::popupTable(x = select((tab_hab_map %>% st_set_geometry(NULL)),
                                           Site = pscis_crossing_id, 
                                           Priority = priority, 
                                           Stream = stream_name, 
                                           Road = road_name, 
                                           `Habitat (m)`= upstream_habitat_length_m, 
                                           Comments = comments, 
                                           `Culvert data` = data_link, 
                                           `Culvert photos` = photo_link, 
                                           `Model data` = model_link),
                                feature.id = F,
                                row.numbers = F),
    radius = 9,
    fillColor = ~pal(priority),
    color= "#ffffff",
    stroke = TRUE,
    fillOpacity = 1.0,
    weight = 2,
    opacity = 1.0,
    group = "Phase 2"
    ) %>%
  #     # addScaleBar(position = 'bottomleft', options = scaleBarOptions(imperial = FALSE)) %>% 
    baseGroups = c(
      "ESRI Aerial"),
    overlayGroups = c("Phase 1", 
                      "Phase 2"),
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = F)) %>%
  leaflet.extras::addFullscreenControl() %>% 
  addMiniMap(tiles = providers$"Esri.NatGeoWorldMap",
             zoomLevelOffset = -6, width = 100, height = 100)

map %>% 
  hideGroup(c("Phase 1")) %>% 
  setView(lat = st_centroid(wshd_study_areas) %>% mutate(lat = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]) %>% pull(lat),
          lng = st_centroid(wshd_study_areas) %>% mutate(lng = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1])%>% pull(lng),
          zoom = 8)

Figure 4.1: Map of fish passage and habitat confirmation results

 # mutate(long = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
 #        lat = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2])

4.1 Phase 1

Field assessments were conducted between July 27 2021 and November 03 2021 by Allan Irvine, R.P.Bio., Kyle Prince, P.Biol., Stevie Syer, Environmental Technician, Rafael Acosta Lugo, M.Sc., Environmental Technician and Brody Klenk, Environmental Technician. A total of 89 Phase 1 assessments were conducted at 89 sites with 19 crossings considered “passable”, 1 crossing considered “potential” barriers and 31 crossing considered “barriers” according to threshold values based on culvert embedment, outlet drop, slope, diameter (relative to channel size) and length (MoE 2011a). Additionally, although all were considered fully passable, 38 crossings assessed were fords. Georeferenced field maps are presented here and available for bulk download as Attachment 1. A summary of crossings assessed, a cost benefit analysis and priority ranking for follow up for Phase 1 sites with barrier status of “barrier” or “potential barrier” according to provincial metric are presented in Table 4.1. Detailed data with photos are presented in Appendix - Phase 1 Fish Passage Assessment Data and Photos.

“Barrier” and “Potential Barrier” rankings used in this project followed MoE (2011a) and reflect an assessment of passability for juvenile salmon or small resident rainbow trout at any flows potentially present throughout the year (Clarkin et al. 2005 ; Bell 1991; Thompson 2013). As noted in Bourne et al. (2011), with a detailed review of different criteria in Kemp and O’Hanley (2010), passability of barriers can be quantified in many different ways. Fish physiology (i.e. species, length, swim speeds) can make defining passability complex but with important implications for evaluating connectivity and prioritizing remediation candidates (Bourne et al. 2011; Shaw et al. 2016; Mahlum et al. 2014; Kemp and O’Hanley 2010). Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (2009) present criteria for assigning passability scores to culverts that have already been assessed as barriers in coarser level assessments. These passability scores provide additional information to feed into decision making processes related to the prioritization of remediation site candidates and have potential for application in British Columbia.

#`r if(identical(gitbook_on, FALSE)){knitr::asis_output("<br>")}`
  tab_cost_est_phase1 %>% 
  my_kable_scroll(caption_text = 'Upstream habitat estimates and cost benefit analysis for Phase 1 assessments with barrier status of "barrier" or "potential barrier" according to provincial metric.  ')
} else tab_cost_est_phase1 %>% 
  my_kable(caption_text = 'Upstream habitat estimates and cost benefit analysis for Phase 1 assessments with barrier status of "barrier" or "potential barrier" according to provincial metric.')
Table 4.1: Upstream habitat estimates and cost benefit analysis for Phase 1 assessments with barrier status of “barrier” or “potential barrier” according to provincial metric.
PSCIS ID External ID Stream Road Result Habitat value Stream Width (m) Priority Fix Cost Est ( $K) Habitat Upstream (km) Cost Benefit (m / $K) Cost Benefit (m2 / $K)
50075 Tributary to Flathead FSR Commerce FSR Barrier Low 1.90 low SS-CBS 40 1.97 49.2 46.8
50084 Tributary to Flathead River Flathead FSR Potential Medium 2.40 low OBS 240 2.26 9.4 11.3
50085 Tributary to Couldrey Creek Flathead FSR Barrier Low 2.40 low OBS 240 4.05 16.9 20.2
50091 Tributary to Calder Creek Spur Barrier Low 1.50 low SS-CBS 40 2.31 57.8 43.3
197835 4600088 Hosmer Creek Stephenson Road Barrier Medium 4.10 mod OBS 1920
197833 4600129 Hosmer Creek Highway 3 Barrier Medium 3.00 mod OBS 7200
197863 4600761 Tributary to Lizard Creek Unnamed Barrier Low 2.00 low OBS 240
197827 4600762 Fording River FRO Coal Haul Barrier High 16.00 high OBS 660
197866 4600992 Hosmer Creek Unnamed Barrier High 4.10 high OBS 240
197796 4601984 Tributary to Lodgepole Creek Spur Barrier Low 3.80 low OBS 240
197825 4604677 Henretta Creek Barrier High 12.00 high OBS 360
197851 4605462 Tributary to Flathead River Kishinea FSR Barrier Low 1.20 low SS-CBS 40
197843 4605502 Tributary to Bighorn Creek Cabin FSR Barrier Medium 1.80 mod SS-CBS 40
197842 4605504 Tributary to Bighorn Creek Cabin FSR Barrier Medium 2.10 mod OBS 240
197844 4605514 Tributary to Bighorn Creek Cabin FSR Barrier Medium 2.20 mod OBS 240
197798 4605518 Tributary to Bighorn Creek Cabin FSR Barrier Low 1.00 low SS-CBS 40
197799 4605522 Tributary to Bighorn Creek Cabin FSR Barrier Low 1.30 low SS-CBS 40
197800 4605525 Tributary to Bighorn Creek Cabin FSR Barrier Medium 1.90 mod SS-CBS 40
197845 4605531 Tributary to Bighorn Creek Cabin FSR Barrier Low 2.50 low OBS 240
197802 4605540 Tributary to Bighorn Creek Cabin FSR Barrier Low 1.60 low SS-CBS 40
197850 4605584 Tributary to Sage Creek Flathead-Nettie FSR Barrier Low 2.10 low OBS 240
197849 4605585 Tributary to Sage Creek Flathead-Nettie FSR Barrier Low 1.70 low SS-CBS 40
197865 4605652 Tributary to Elk River Elk River Main FSR Barrier Low 1.00 low SS-CBS 40
197828 4605671 Tributary to Elk River Elk FSR Barrier Low 1.30 low SS-CBS 40
197829 4605698 Tributary to Elk River Elk FSR Barrier Low 0.95 low SS-CBS 40
197830 4605731 Tributary to Elk River Elk FSR Barrier Medium 2.00 mod OBS 240
197783 4605937 Tributary to Wigwam River Wigwam FSR Barrier Low 0.60 low SS-CBS 40
197817 4605995 Tributary to Weigert Creek Weigert FSR Barrier Low 2.40 low OBS 240
197785 4606129 Tributary to Wigwam River Barrier Low 0.00 low SS-CBS 40
197793 4606347 Tributary to Bean Creek Lodgepole FSR Barrier Low 5.30 low OBS 240
197787 4606370 Lodgepole Creek Harvey FSR Potential Medium 3.26 low OBS 240
197786 4606398 Lodgepole Creek Harvey FSR Barrier Medium 2.00 mod OBS 240
197809 4606597 Tributary to Flathead River Commerce FSR Barrier Low 0.90 low SS-CBS 40
197834 4606711 Hosmer Creek CP Railway Barrier High 3.90 high OBS 7200
197855 24740603 Tributary to Calder Creek Spur 1000 Barrier Low 0.80 low SS-CBS 40
197864 2021101302 Tributary to Lizard Creek Unnamed Barrier Low 0.50 low SS-CBS 40

4.2 Dam Assessments

Three historic dam locations were assessed for fish passage including sites on Hartley Creek, Boivin Creek, and Harmer Creek. Results are presented in Table 4.2

tab_dams_raw %>% 
  select(-utm_zone) %>% 
  arrange(id) %>% 
  purrr::set_names(nm = c('Site', 'Stream', 'Easting', 'Northing', 'Mapsheet', 'Barrier', 'Notes')) %>% 
  my_kable(caption_text = 'Results from fish passability assessments at dams.',
           footnote_text = 'UTM Zone 11')
Table 4.2: Results from fish passability assessments at dams.
Site Stream Easting Northing Mapsheet Barrier Notes
197542 Hartley Creek 643537 5490723 082G.113 T Two small dams (30cm and 40cm high) located just upstream (7m and 20m) of Dicken Road. Likely easily passable by adult WCT but barrier to fry and small juveniles. If culvert replaced these could potentially be fixed at the same time.
1100000129 Boivin Creek 647275 5541987 082J.103 F Remnant dam not located in main channel.
1100002016 Harmer Creek 657051 5522119 082G.123 T Large dam (15m high at 55% grade) located in main channel. No fish ladder.
* UTM Zone 11

my_site = 197542
my_photo1 = pull_photo_by_str(str_to_pull = '_1_')

my_caption1 = paste0('Small dam ~7m upstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, ' on Hartley Creek.')
grid::grid.raster(get_img(photo = my_photo1))
Small dam ~7m upstream of PSCIS crossing 197542 on Hartley Creek.

Figure 4.2: Small dam ~7m upstream of PSCIS crossing 197542 on Hartley Creek.

my_photo2 = pull_photo_by_str(str_to_pull = '_2_')

my_caption2 = paste0('Small dam ~20m upstream of PSCIS crossing ', my_site, ' on Hartley Creek.')
grid::grid.raster(get_img(photo = my_photo2))
Small dam ~20m upstream of PSCIS crossing 197542 on Hartley Creek.

Figure 4.3: Small dam ~20m upstream of PSCIS crossing 197542 on Hartley Creek.

my_caption <- paste0('Left: ', my_caption1, ' Right: ', my_caption2)

knitr::include_graphics(get_img_path(photo = my_photo1))
knitr::include_graphics(get_img_path(photo = my_photo2))
my_site = 1063 #old id
my_photo1 = pull_photo_by_str(str_to_pull = '_1_')

my_caption1 = paste0('Teck Coal Limited dam (15m high and 55% gradient) on Harmer Creek.')
grid::grid.raster(get_img(photo = my_photo1))
Teck Coal Limited dam (15m high and 55% gradient) on Harmer Creek.

Figure 4.4: Teck Coal Limited dam (15m high and 55% gradient) on Harmer Creek.

my_site2 = 2606
my_photo2 = pull_photo_by_str(site_id = my_site2,str_to_pull = '_1_')

my_caption2 = paste0('Historic dam structure adjacent to Boivin Creek.')
grid::grid.raster(get_img(site = my_site2, photo = my_photo2))
Historic dam structure adjacent to Boivin Creek.

Figure 4.5: Historic dam structure adjacent to Boivin Creek.

my_caption <- paste0('Left: ', my_caption1, ' Right: ', my_caption2)

knitr::include_graphics(get_img_path(photo = my_photo1))
knitr::include_graphics(get_img_path(site = my_site2, photo = my_photo2))

4.3 Phase 2

During 2021 field assessments, habitat confirmation assessments were conducted at 15 sites in the Elk River watershed group with a total of approximately 12km of stream assessed. Georeferenced field maps are presented here and available for bulk download as Attachment 1.

As collaborative decision making was ongoing at the time of reporting, site prioritization can be considered preliminary. Five crossings were rated as high priorities for proceeding to design for replacement, 7 crossings were rated as moderate priorities, and 3 crossings were rated as low priorities. Results are summarized in Figure 4.1 and Table 4.3) with raw habitat assessment data included in digital format as Attachment 3. A summary of watershed statistics from derived watershed areas and preliminary modeling results illustrating the quantities of westslope cutthrout trout spawning and rearing habitat potentially available upstream of each crossing as estimated by upstream accessible stream length are presented in Table 4.7 and Figure 4.6. Only summary tables and raw data is provided for surveys conducted within the Flathead River sub-basin (Parker Creek, Morris Creek, Fuel Creek and Kisoo Creek) with detailed reporting potentially provided in the future under separate cover. Detailed information for each site assessed with Phase 2 assessments (including georeferenced maps) on streams that drain into the Elk River are presented within site specific appendices to this document.

#`r if(gitbook_on){knitr::asis_output("<br>")} else knitr::asis_output("<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>")`
tab_overview %>% 
  select(-Tenure) %>%
  my_tab_overview_scroll(caption_text = 'Overview of habitat confirmation sites.')
} else tab_overview %>% 
  select(-Tenure) %>% 
  my_kable(caption_text = 'Overview of habitat confirmation sites.')
Table 4.3: Overview of habitat confirmation sites.
PSCIS ID Stream Road UTM (11U) Fish Species Habitat Gain (km) Habitat Value Priority Comments
50061 Fuel Creek Harvey FSR 667651 5459223 WCT 2.0 Medium moderate Signs of extremely high flows with large islands and dry side channels. First 200m were dry. Old road sluffing at times and for ~50m was right beside creek eliminating riparian veg. Ranked as high priority for follow up in Irvine 2021.
50063 Kisoo Creek Harvey FSR 668961 5458806 1.3 Medium moderate Fairly steep system with frequent pockets of gravels available for spawning. Cold high elevation system with good flow and abundant undercut banks.
50067 Parker Creek Flathead FSR 679597 5453756 WCT 6.0 High high Parker creek remnant channel similar to upstream size and depth with no water. Channel relocation related to Flathead FSR with several large volume beaver controlled wetland areas upstream in historic channel. Aerial survey conducted. Needs to be fixed in conjunction with mocelled crossing 4606967 upstream (currently no structure there). Great opportunity for restoration.
61504 Coal Creek Coal Creek Road 645313 5483687 WCT, BT 14.5 high Issue is not structure but debris in channel producing small drop/cascade from 20 - 60cmin height. Some deep pools up to ~1.8m available for overwintering westslope cutthroat trout adults. Some pockets for spawning, large system with low gradient. Mature ACT riparian area with intermittent large woody debris structures throughout.
62122 Morris Creek Flathead FSR 676913 5459598 3.0 Medium moderate Good flow, frequent pockets of gravels present suitable for westslope cutthroat trout spawning. Unlicensed dam located upstream of road ~100m. Main flow of stream is north fork with small amount of flow from southern forks. Erroneosly ranked as low priority for follow up in Irvine 2021 due to incorrect mapping of mainstem of channel.
62181 Dry Creek CP Railway 656409 5544755 WCT 4.3 Medium high Line Creek Operations Local Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program underway here with plan for fish passage remediation part of Teck’s Tributary management Plan. Flagging from FHAP conducted by other crews. High value habitat due to flow and size, occasional pockets of gravel and intermittent pools.
62182 Dry Creek Fording Highway 656390 5544771 WCT 0.0 Medium high FHAP conducted here by other crews. High value habitat due to flow and size, occasional pockets of gravel and intermittent pools.
62505 Tributary to Lizard Creek Mt. Fernie Park Road 636942 5483777 0.7 Medium moderate Occasional pools present suitable for juvenile westslope cutthroat trout overwintering. Frequent pockets of gravel present suitable for spawning. Good flow. Fairly steep system with intermittent small woody debris / root drops between 0.5 and 1m.
197786 Lodgepole Creek Harvey FSR 665796 5462152 0.6 Medium moderate Small stream with good flow. Abundant gravels suitable for spawning throughout the first ~300m then pockets throughout. Large waterfall >30m at top end of site ~540m u/s of culvert. Some shallow pools present intermittently created by large woody debris.
197787 Lodgepole Creek Harvey FSR 664905 5462562 WCT 1.1 Medium moderate Drains out of Lodgepole Lake. Beaver Dam (1.2m) at lake. Abundant gravels suitable for spawning throughout. Stream primarily had low complexity due to the primarily straight riffle type habitat. Some shallow pools and large woody debris present.
197793 Bean Creek Lodgepole FSR 650415 5463819 1.8 Low low Dry stream, no water. Has very large channel and shows evidence of extensive scour and large volumes of water but completely dry.
197796 Tributary to Lodgepole Creek Spur 654302 5458678 0.1 Low low 2.3m high rock falls at ~60m upstream is permanent barrier to upstream migration.
197844 Tributary to Bighorn Creek Cabin FSR 657920 5452802 0.8 Medium moderate Sections getting steep (up to 12.5%) with periodic deep pools under embedded / functional large woody debris. Likely barrier ( 1.1m high rock) located at top of area surveyed 840m upstream of the FSR. Frequent cascading into pools. Confined at times.

fpr_make_tab_cv(dat = pscis_phase2) %>% 
  my_kable(caption_text = 'Summary of Phase 2 fish passage reassessments.')
Table 4.4: Summary of Phase 2 fish passage reassessments.
PSCIS ID Embedded Outlet Drop (m) Diameter (m) SWR Slope (%) Length (m) Final score Barrier Result
50061 Yes 0.00 0.9 3.2 3.0 14 16 Potential
50063 No 0.65 1.2 2.3 5.0 45 42 Barrier
50067 No 0.00 0.6 8.7 3.0 11 26 Barrier
61504 24.0 0.0 4 0 Passable
62122 No 0.00 0.9 1.7 4.5 10 26 Barrier
62181 Yes 0.00 1.8 2.1 2.6 17 19 Potential
62182 No 0.00 1.8 2.1 3.6 24 29 Barrier
62505 No 0.25 0.9 3.2 5.0 10 31 Barrier
197786 No 0.00 1.2 1.7 1.7 10 21 Barrier
197787 No 0.00 2.0 1.6 0.5 18 19 Potential
197793 No 0.00 1.5 3.5 2.5 14 21 Barrier
197796 No 0.60 1.6 2.4 5.0 14 36 Barrier
197844 No 1.20 1.2 1.8 5.0 12 36 Barrier

tab_cost_est_phase2_report %>% 
  my_kable(caption_text = 'Cost benefit analysis for Phase 2 assessments.')
Table 4.5: Cost benefit analysis for Phase 2 assessments.
PSCIS ID Stream Road Result Habitat value Stream Width (m) Fix Cost Est (in $K) Habitat Upstream (m) Cost Benefit (m / $K) Cost Benefit (m2 / $K)
50061 Fuel Creek Harvey FSR Potential Medium 3.1 OBS 240 2000 8.3 25.8
50063 Kisoo Creek Harvey FSR Barrier Medium 2.8 SS-CBS 80 1280 16.0 44.8
50067 Parker Creek Flathead FSR Barrier High 5.2 OBS 500 6000 12.0 62.4
61504 Coal Creek Coal Creek FSR Passable 12.1 14500
62122 Morris Creek Flathead FSR Barrier Medium 1.4 SS-CBS 40 3000 75.0 105.0
62181 Dry Creek CP Railway Potential Medium 4.1 OBS 7200 4275 0.6 2.4
62182 Dry Creek Fording Highway Barrier Medium 4.1 OBS 7200 25 0.0 0.1
62505 Tributary to Lizard Creek Mt. Fernie Park Road Barrier Medium 2.9 OBS 240 680 2.8 8.2
197786 Lodgepole Creek Harvey FSR Barrier Medium 2.0 OBS 240 580 2.4 4.8
197787 Lodgepole Creek Harvey FSR Potential Medium 3.3 OBS 240 1125 4.7 15.5
197793 Tributary to Bean Creek Lodgepole FSR Barrier Low 5.3 OBS 240 1800 7.5 39.8
197796 Tributary to Lodgepole Creek Spur Barrier Low 3.8 OBS 240 60 0.2 0.9
197844 Tributary to Bighorn Creek Cabin FSR Barrier Medium 3.3 OBS 240 840 3.5 11.6
  # kable(caption = 'Modelled upstream habitat estimate and cost benefit.',
  #       escape = T) %>% 
  # kableExtra::kable_styling(c("condensed"), full_width = T, font_size = 11) %>% 
  # kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px")

tab_hab_summary %>% 
  filter(Location %ilike% 'upstream') %>% 
  select(-Location) %>% 
  rename(`PSCIS ID` = Site, `Length surveyed upstream (m)` = `Length Surveyed (m)`) %>%
  my_kable(caption_text = 'Summary of Phase 2 habitat confirmation details.')
Table 4.6: Summary of Phase 2 habitat confirmation details.
PSCIS ID Length surveyed upstream (m) Channel Width (m) Wetted Width (m) Pool Depth (m) Gradient (%) Total Cover Habitat Value
50061 620 3.1 1.7 0.3 2.9 moderate medium
50063 370 2.8 1.7 0.3 10.0 moderate medium
50067 1200 5.2 0.7 high
61504 520 12.1 11.2 1.0 2.8 abundant high
62122 735 1.4 1.3 2.3 moderate medium
62181 650 4.1 3.0 3.3 high
62182 30 4.1 3.0 0.3 3.3 abundant high
62505 700 2.9 1.4 0.3 7.6 moderate medium
197786 580 2.0 1.8 0.3 3.8 moderate medium
197787 315 3.3 2.3 0.3 2.8 moderate high
197793 900 5.3 0.7 2.7 moderate low
197796 110 3.8 1.9 0.6 8.5 low
197844 840 3.3 2.7 0.5 8.7 moderate medium
197863 100 2.0 1.3 0.3 12.0 moderate medium
4606967 590 6.5 5.2 0.7 high
## Fish Sampling

# Fish sampling was conducted at five sites with a total of `r tab_fish_summary %>% filter(species_code == 'WCT') %>% pull(count_fish) %>% sum()` westslope cutthout trout,  `r tab_fish_summary %>% filter(species_code == 'EB') %>% pull(count_fish) %>% sum()` eastern brook trout and `r tab_fish_summary %>% filter(species_code == 'BT') %>% pull(count_fish) %>% sum()` bull trout captured.  Westslope cutthrout trout were captured at three of the sites sampled with fork length data delineated into life stages: fry (&le;60mm), parr (>60 to 110mm), juvenile (>110mm to 140mm) and adult (>140mm) by visually assessing the histogram presented in Figure \@ref(fig:fish-histogram).  Fish sampling results are presented in detail within individual habitat confirmation site memos within the appendices of this document with westslope cutthrout trout density results also presented in Figure \@ref(fig:plot-fish-all).  

plot_fish_box_all2 <- function(dat = hab_fish_dens){#, sp = 'RB'
  dat %>%
      species_code  != 'MW'
      # &
      #   species_code == species
    ) %>%
    ggplot(., aes(x = location, y =density_100m2)) +
    facet_grid(site ~ species_code, scales ="fixed", #life_stage
               as.table = T)+
    # theme_bw()+
    theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title.x=element_blank()) +
    geom_dotplot(binaxis='y', stackdir='center', dotsize=1)+
    ylab(expression(Density ~ (Fish/100 ~  m^2))) +


fpr_tab_wshd_sum() %>% 
  my_kable(caption_text = paste0('Summary of watershed area statistics upstream of Phase 2 crossings.'),
                                 footnote_text = 'Elev P60 = Elevation at which 60% of the watershed area is above')
Table 4.7: Summary of watershed area statistics upstream of Phase 2 crossings.
Site Area Km Elev Site Elev Min Elev Max Elev Mean Elev Median Elev P60
50061 4.8 1616 1622 2542 1948 1925 1849
50063 1.4 1583 1612 2157 1832 1821 1780
50067 13.1 1356 1354 2207 1615 1559 1469
61504 98.7 1132 1050 2241 1782 1823 1776
62122 7.1 1418 1422 2236 1665 1593 1530
62181 25.5 1532 2594 2061 2078 2019
62182 25.5 1532 2594 2061 2078 2019
62505 0.9 1048 1038 1449 1206 1192 1168
197786 3.6 1681 1592 2456 1949 1937 1889
197787 5.2 1664 1592 2456 1936 1920 1883
197793 9.4 1147 1146 2198 1563 1488 1427
197796 3.8 1608 1548 2318 1932 1940 1887
197844 13.5 1316 1305 2585 1959 1976 1927
* Elev P60 = Elevation at which 60% of the watershed area is above

bcfp_xref_plot <- xref_bcfishpass_names %>% 
    !is.na(id_join) &
      !bcfishpass %ilike% 'slopeclass' &
      # !bcfishpass %ilike% '30' &
      !bcfishpass %ilike% 'wetland' &
      !bcfishpass %ilike% 'Lake' &
      !bcfishpass %ilike% 'waterbodies' &
      !bcfishpass %ilike% 'network' &
      (bcfishpass %ilike% 'below' |
         bcfishpass %ilike% 'rearing_km' | 
         bcfishpass %ilike% 'spawning_km' |
         # bcfishpass %ilike% 'slopeclass' |
         bcfishpass %ilike% 'stream')
  ) %>% 

#            !bcfishpass %ilike% 'all' &
#            (bcfishpass %ilike% 'rearing' | 
#               bcfishpass %ilike% 'spawning')) 
# bcfp_xref_plot <- xref_bcfishpass_names %>% 
#   filter((bcfishpass %ilike% 'rearing_km' | 
#               bcfishpass %ilike% 'spawning_km') &
#            !is.na(id_join)) %>% 
#   select(-column_comment) 

bcfishpass_phase2_plot_prep <- bcfishpass %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 1)) %>%
    filter(stream_crossing_id %in% (pscis_phase2 %>% pull(pscis_crossing_id))) %>% 
  select(stream_crossing_id, all_of(bcfp_xref_plot$bcfishpass)) %>% 
  rename(wct_stream_belowupstrbarriers_km    = wct_belowupstrbarriers_stream_km) %>% 
  # filter(stream_crossing_id != 197665) %>% 
  mutate(stream_crossing_id = as.factor(stream_crossing_id)) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = wct_stream_km:wct_rearing_belowupstrbarriers_km)  %>% 
    value > 0.0 &
         ) %>% 
  mutate(name = stringr::str_replace_all(name, '_belowupstrbarriers_km', ' belowupstrbarriers km'),
         name = stringr::str_replace_all(name, '_rearing', ' rearing'),
         name = stringr::str_replace_all(name, '_spawning', ' spawning'),
         name = stringr::str_replace_all(name, '_stream', ' stream'))
    # rename('Habitat type' = name,
    #        "Habitat (km)" = value)
bcfishpass_phase2_plot_prep %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = stream_crossing_id, y = value)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")+
  facet_wrap(~name, ncol = 2)+
  ggdark::dark_theme_bw(base_size = 11)+
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5)) +
  labs(x = "Site", y = "Modelled habitat (km)")
Summary of linear lengths of potential habitat upstream of habitat confirmation assessment sites estimated based on modelled discharge and gradient.

Figure 4.6: Summary of linear lengths of potential habitat upstream of habitat confirmation assessment sites estimated based on modelled discharge and gradient.