5 Recommendations
To effectively enhance fish passage restoration efforts in the FWCP Peace Region, we recommend the following actions:
Continue to engage partners to raise funds, identify sites, conduct remedial works, and assess effectiveness. This approach ensures efficient fish passage restoration incorporating adaptive management informed by traditional knowledge and real-time planning/monitoring data.
Conduct detailed assessments in areas with blockages and significant habitat potential. Ongoing assessments throughout the greater area will provide more remediation options and attract additional funding partners, particularly near the community of McLeod Lake.
Collaborate with UNBC and expert consultants to integrate Arctic grayling research into fish passage restoration planning.
Utilize climate modelling data to support prioritization of crossings (e.g., to support access to cold, drought resistant areas)
Prioritize obtaining financial commitments for the restoration of Fern Creek on the Chuchinka-Table FSR, despite uncertainties in Canfor’s harvest plans.
Conduct effectiveness monitoring at remediated sites, prioritized sites, and planned remediation locations. Utilize electrofishing surveys, PIT tagging, habitat assessments, temperature data collection, and photo documentation.
Follow up monitoring at site 125179 in the Missinka River watershed, including electrofishing and photo documentation. Use nearby site 125180 as a reference for comparison.
Reassess site 125000 on the Chuchinka-Arctic FSR in 2024, focusing on the impact of the perched culvert on fish movement and health.
Monitor PSCIS crossing 125231 on a tributary to the Table River after Canfor completes remediation in 2024, using fish sampling and aerial imagery to demonstrate the positive impact of project investments.
Continue to develop a cost-effective, robust effectiveness monitoring program that will allow for assessment of productivity gains associated with fish passage improvements (e.g., before/after monitoring of fish abundance, productivity etc.).