4 Results and Discussion

Results of Phase 1 and Phase 2 assessments are summarized in Figure 4.1 with additional details provided in sections below.

##make colors for the priorities
pal <- 
   colorFactor(palette = c("red", "yellow", "grey", "black"), 
               levels = c("high", "moderate", "low", "no fix"))

pal_phase1 <- 
   colorFactor(palette = c("red", "yellow", "grey", "black"), 
               levels = c("high", "moderate", "low", NA))

# tab_map_phase2 <- tab_map %>% filter(source %like% 'phase2')
# marker_options <- markerOptions(  
#   zIndexOffset = 1000)
tracks <- sf::read_sf("./data/habitat_confirmation_tracks.gpx", layer = "tracks")

wshd_study_areas <- sf::read_sf('data/fishpass_mapping/wshd_study_areas.geojson')
  # st_transform(crs = 4326)

map <- leaflet(height=500, width=780) %>%
  addTiles()  %>% 
  # leafem::addMouseCoordinates(proj4 = 26911) %>% ##can't seem to get it to render utms yet
  # addProviderTiles(providers$"Esri.DeLorme") %>% 
  addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldTopoMap", group = "Topo") %>%
  addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery", group = "ESRI Aerial") %>% 
  addPolygons(data = wshd_study_areas, color = "#F29A6E", weight = 1, smoothFactor = 0.5,
              opacity = 1.0, fillOpacity = 0,
              fillColor = "#F29A6E", label = wshd_study_areas$watershed_group_name) %>%
  addPolygons(data = wshds, color = "#0859C6", weight = 1, smoothFactor = 0.5,
              opacity = 1.0, fillOpacity = 0.25,
              fillColor = "#00DBFF",
              label = wshds$stream_crossing_id,
              popup = leafpop::popupTable(x = select(wshds %>% st_set_geometry(NULL),
                                                     Site = stream_crossing_id,
                                          feature.id = F,
                                          row.numbers = F),
              group = "Phase 2") %>% 
    position = "topright",
    colors = c("red", "yellow", "grey", "black"),
    labels = c("High", "Moderate", "Low", 'No fix'), opacity = 1,
    title = "Fish Passage Priorities") %>% 
addCircleMarkers(data=tab_map %>%
                   filter(source %like% 'phase1' | source %like% 'pscis_reassessments'),
                 label = tab_map %>% filter(source %like% 'phase1' | source %like% 'pscis_reassessments') %>% pull(pscis_crossing_id),
                 # label = tab_map$pscis_crossing_id,
                 labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = F, textOnly = TRUE),
                 popup = leafpop::popupTable(x = select((tab_map %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% filter(source %like% 'phase1' | source %like% 'pscis_reassessments')),
                                                        Site = pscis_crossing_id, Priority = priority_phase1, Stream = stream_name, Road = road_name, `Habitat value`= habitat_value, `Barrier Result` = barrier_result, `Culvert data` = data_link, `Culvert photos` = photo_link, `Model data` = model_link),
                                             feature.id = F,
                                             row.numbers = F),
                 radius = 9,
                 fillColor = ~pal_phase1(priority_phase1),
                 color= "#ffffff",
                 stroke = TRUE,
                 fillOpacity = 1.0,
                 weight = 2,
                 opacity = 1.0,
                 group = "Phase 1") %>% 
               opacity=0.75, color = '#e216c4',
               fillOpacity = 0.75, weight=5, group = "Phase 2") %>%

    lng = as.numeric(photo_metadata$gps_longitude),
    lat = as.numeric(photo_metadata$gps_latitude),
    popup = leafpop::popupImage(photo_metadata$url, src = "remote"),
    clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(),
    group = "Phase 2") %>%

  #commented out this section for now until tab_hab_map object is built from cost estimate table
    label = tab_hab_map$pscis_crossing_id,
    labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T, textOnly = TRUE),
    popup = leafpop::popupTable(x = select((tab_hab_map %>% st_drop_geometry()),
                                           Site = pscis_crossing_id,
                                           Priority = priority,
                                           Stream = stream_name,
                                           Road = road_name,
                                           `Habitat (m)`= upstream_habitat_length_m,
                                           Comments = comments,
                                           `Culvert data` = data_link,
                                           `Culvert photos` = photo_link,
                                           `Model data` = model_link),
                                feature.id = F,
                                row.numbers = F),
    radius = 9,
    fillColor = ~pal(priority),
    color= "#ffffff",
    stroke = TRUE,
    fillOpacity = 1.0,
    weight = 2,
    opacity = 1.0,
    group = "Phase 2"
    ) %>%

    baseGroups = c(
      "ESRI Aerial"),
    overlayGroups = c("Phase 1", "Phase 2"),
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = F)) %>%
  leaflet.extras::addFullscreenControl() %>%
  addMiniMap(tiles = providers$"Esri.NatGeoWorldMap",
             zoomLevelOffset = -6, width = 100, height = 100)

map %>% 
  hideGroup(c("Phase 1"))

Figure 4.1: Map of fish passage and habitat confirmation results

4.1 Fish Passage Assessment - Phase 1

Field assessments were conducted between September 05 2022 and September 26 2022 by Allan Irvine, R.P.Bio. and Mateo Winterscheidt, B.Sc., Tieasha Pierre, Vern Joseph, Dallas Nikal, Alexandria Nikal, Jesse Olson and Colin Morrison. A total of 61 Phase 1 assessments at sites not yet inventoried into the PSCIS system included 18 crossings considered “passable”, 7 crossings considered “potential” barriers and 32 crossings considered “barriers” according to threshold values based on culvert embedment, outlet drop, slope, diameter (relative to channel size) and length (MoE 2011a). Additionally, although all were considered fully passable, 4 crossings assessed were fords and ranked as “unknown” according to the provincial protocol. A summary of crossings assessed, a cost estimate for remediation and a priority ranking for follow up for Phase 1 sites is presented in Table 4.1. Detailed data with photos are presented in Appendix - Phase 1 Fish Passage Assessment Data and Photos.

“Barrier” and “Potential Barrier” rankings used in this project followed MoE (2011a) and reflect an assessment of passability for juvenile salmon or small resident rainbow trout at any flows potentially present throughout the year (Clarkin et al. 2005 ; Bell 1991; Thompson 2013). As noted in Bourne et al. (2011), with a detailed review of different criteria in Kemp and O’Hanley (2010), passability of barriers can be quantified in many different ways. Fish physiology (i.e. species, length, swim speeds) can make defining passability complex but with important implications for evaluating connectivity and prioritizing remediation candidates (Bourne et al. 2011; Shaw et al. 2016; Mahlum et al. 2014; Kemp and O’Hanley 2010). Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (2009) present criteria for assigning passability scores to culverts that have already been assessed as barriers in coarser level assessments. These passability scores provide additional information to feed into decision making processes related to the prioritization of remediation site candidates and have potential for application in British Columbia.

 tab_cost_est_phase1 %>%
  select(`PSCIS ID`:`Cost Est ( $K)`) %>% 
   fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Upstream habitat estimates and cost benefit analysis for Phase 1 assessments conducted on sites not yet inventoried in PSCIS. Steelhead network model (total length stream network <20% gradient).',
                  scroll = gitbook_on)
Table 4.1: Upstream habitat estimates and cost benefit analysis for Phase 1 assessments conducted on sites not yet inventoried in PSCIS. Steelhead network model (total length stream network <20% gradient).
PSCIS ID External ID Stream Road Result Habitat value Stream Width (m) Priority Fix Cost Est ( $K)
2880 Mooluck Creek Kuldo FSR Barrier Medium 3.50 mod SS-CBS 50
8525 Tributary to Coal Creek McDonell FSR Barrier Medium 1.40 mod SS-CBS 50
8527 Tributary to Zymoetz River McDonell FSR Barrier Low 1.50 low SS-CBS 50
196441 Cullon Creek Kuldo FSR Potential High 3.00 mod OBS 300
198182 8302064 Tributary to Kispiox River Helen Lake Rd Barrier Medium 1.40 mod SS-CBS 50
198183 8302070 Tributary to Kispiox River Helen Lake Rd Barrier Medium 2.30 mod OBS 300
198184 8302074 Tributary to Kispiox River Helen Lake Rd Barrier Low 1.10 low SS-CBS 50
198185 8300115 Trib to McCully Creek Helen Lake Rd Barrier Low 1.30 low SS-CBS 200
198186 8300162 Tributary to Kispiox River Poplar Park Rd Potential Low 1.20 low SS-CBS 200
198187 2798180 Tributary to Kispiox River Poplar Park Rd Barrier Low 2.10 low OBS
198188 8300161 Tributary to Kispiox River Poplar Park Rd Barrier Low 2.30 low OBS 1000
198190 8302683 Sweetie River Nangeese FSR Barrier Low 1.90 low SS-CBS 50
198191 8302061 Tributary to Kispiox River Corral Main Barrier Medium 1.50 mod SS-CBS 50
198192 8302062 Tributary to Kispiox River Corral Main Barrier Low 1.90 low SS-CBS 50
198193 8301747 Tributary to Cullon Creek Kuldo FSR Barrier Low 1.80 low SS-CBS 50
198194 8301750 Tributary to Cullon Creek Kuldo FSR Barrier Medium 1.90 mod SS-CBS 50
198195 8301761 Tributary to Cullon Creek Kuldo FSR Barrier Low 1.50 low SS-CBS 50
198196 8300186 Tributary to Kispiox River Kispiox Westside Rd Barrier Low 2.40 low OBS 1000
198197 8300105 Tributary to Kispiox River Kispiox Valley Rd Barrier Low 1.80 low SS-CBS 200
198198 8300104 Tributary to Kispiox River Kispiox Valley Rd Potential Low 1.20 low SS-CBS 200
198199 8300103 Tributary to Kispiox River Kispiox Valley Rd Barrier Low 1.40 low SS-CBS 200
198202 8300188 Tributary to Kitwanga River Hwy 37 Potential Low 1.80 low SS-CBS 50
198203 2022090901 Tributary to Kitwanga River Kitwancool Branch 2 FSR Potential Medium 1.70 low SS-CBS 50
198204 8302421 Tributary to Kispiox River Helen 9000 Potential Low 15.00 low OBS 600
198205 8302065 Tributary to Kispiox River Helen Lake Rd Barrier Low 2.20 low OBS 300
198206 8300118 Tributary to McCully Creek Helen Lake Rd Barrier Low 2.00 low OBS
198207 2022090501 Tributary to Kispiox River Poplar Park Rd Barrier High 2.20 high OBS
198208 8300030 Tributary to Sweetin River Kispiox Valley Rd Barrier Low 0.80 low SS-CBS 200
198209 8300111 Tributary to Kispiox River Kispiox Valley Rd Barrier Low 1.90 low SS-CBS 200
198210 8302403 Tributary to Kispiox River Mitten Mainline Potential Low 4.30 low OBS 300
198213 8301749 Tributary to Cullon Creek Kuldo FSR Barrier Low 1.00 low SS-CBS 50
198214 8301748 Tributary to Cullon Creek Kuldo FSR Barrier Low 1.60 low SS-CBS 50
198215 8300042 Tributary to Kispiox River Kispiox Westside Rd Barrier High 5.30 high OBS 1750
198217 8301485 Tributary to Skeena River Sik e Dakh Water Tower Rd Barrier High 5.60 high OBS 300
198218 2787053 Tributary to Kispiox River Kispiox Valley Rd Barrier Medium 2.00 mod OBS
198219 8300033 Tributary to Kispiox River Seventeen Mile Rd Potential Medium 2.50 low OBS 1000
198220 8300095 Tributary to Kitwanga River Hwy 37 Barrier High 5.00 high OBS 22875
198221 8300178 Tributary to Kitwanga River 11A Ave Barrier Medium 4.00 mod OBS
198222 8302257 Pinenut Creek Babine Slide FSR Barrier High 8.20 high OBS 390
198224 4601067 Tributary to Zymoetz River Hankin FSR Barrier Medium 1.45 mod SS-CBS 50
198225 8300128 Sterritt creek Babine Slide FSR Barrier Low 3.70 low OBS 390
198230 8300108 Trib to Sammon Lake Kispiox Valley Rd Barrier Medium 1.90 mod SS-CBS 200
198236 8301994 Tributary to Kitwanga River Kitwancool Branch 2 FSR Barrier High 2.30 high OBS 300

4.2 Habitat Confirmation - Phase 2

During 2022 field assessments, habitat confirmation assessments were conducted at 8 sites in the Morice River, Zymoetz River and Kispiox River watersheds. A total of approximately 7km of stream was assessed, fish sampling utilizing electrofishing surveys were conducted at two streams. Georeferenced field maps are presented in Attachment 1.

As collaborative decision making was ongoing at the time of reporting, site prioritization can be considered preliminary. In total, 5 crossings were rated as high priorities for proceeding to design for replacement, 2 crossings were rated as moderate priorities, and 0 crossings were rated as low priorities. Results are summarized in Figure 4.1 - 4.4 and Tables 4.2 - 4.6 with raw habitat and fish sampling data included in digital format here. A summary of preliminary modelling results illustrating the quantity of chinook, coho and steelhead spawning and rearing habitat potentially available upstream of each crossing as estimated by measured/modelled channel width and upstream accessible stream length are presented in Figure 4.2. Detailed information for each site assessed with Phase 2 assessments (including maps) are presented within site specific appendices to this document.

table_phase2_overview <- function(dat, caption_text = '', font = font_set, scroll = TRUE){
  dat2 <- dat %>%
    kable(caption = caption_text, booktabs = T, label = NA) %>%
                              full_width = T,
                              font_size = font) %>%
    kableExtra::column_spec(column = c(9), width_min = '1.5in') %>%
    kableExtra::column_spec(column = c(5), width_max = '1in')

    dat2 <- dat2 %>%
      kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px")

tab_overview %>% 
  select(-Tenure) %>%
  table_phase2_overview(caption_text = 'Overview of habitat confirmation sites. Steelhead rearing model used for habitat estimates (total length of stream segments <7.5% gradient)', 
                        scroll = gitbook_on)
Table 4.2: Overview of habitat confirmation sites. Steelhead rearing model used for habitat estimates (total length of stream segments <7.5% gradient)
PSCIS ID Stream Road UTM (11U) Fish Species Habitat Gain (km) Habitat Value Priority Comments
8530 Sandstone Creek Mcdonell FSR 582704 6073877 CT, DV, RB 5.7 Medium high Medium value habitat. Abundant cover from woody debris, overhanging veg and undercut banks. Wide channel throughout with graveled areas suitable for spawning. Trace distribution of deep pools suitable for rearing. A couple smaller cascades (<1m in height) thar may block smaller fish. 11:23:33
197379 Alvin Creek Morice-Owen FSR 640961 6005930 CO,RB,CT,DV 0.8 High high Adjacent to Huckelberry remote work camp set up for pipeline construction. Draft design completed for replacement by Ministry of Forests. Habitat confirmation assessment was conducted at the site in 2021 with the site revisited for fish sampling (electrofishing and tagging) in the summers of 2022 and 2023. Good flow present in 2021 however, stream contained only isolated pools in 2022 with fish captured tagged with PIT tags. Site revisited in 2023 to resample however no water was present except small outlet pool. One fish was observed in the outlet pool in 2023 (rainbow trout ~110mm long with no tag present) and one PIT tag was discovered in a dry area of the channel near the outlet pool. All areas fished in 2022 - both upstream and downstream of the FSR - were scanned with PIT tag reader in 2023 however only the one tag was discovered downstream. Abundant undercut banks with some pools. Healthy riparian vegetation providing cover and woody debris to habitat.
198215 Dale Creek Kispiox Westside Rd 582154 6135026 RB, CT, DV 0.8 High moderate Moderate value habitat. Immediately adjacent to the community of Kispiox. Wide stream with numerous cascades and deep pools below. Two dams noted as upstream in provincial data layers (800m and 1000m upstream of the crossing) with upstream dam likely related to drinking water intake for Kispiox comminity but unconfirmed. Lower dam confirmed as not present. Large outlet drop. Site revisited in 2023 to conduct electrofishing.
198216 Tributary to Skeena River Kispiox Valley Rd 583026 6130402 High
198217 Tributary to Skeena River Sik-e-dakh Water Tower Rd 582851 6130491 CT, DV 0.8 High high High value habitat. Stream flows adjacent to community of Glen Valle and supplies community drinking water. Abundant gravels suitable for CO, ST, RB spawning. Local knowledge of historic CO spawning in system. Multiple large beaver dams in site. Upstream end of site was u/s of beaver dam complex on southern tributary. Update for 2024 - engineering design copleted and funding obtained by Gitskan Watershed Authorities to replace crossing in 2024. Site sampled upstream and downstream of crossing in 2023 to serve as baseline data for effectiveness monitoring. All fish >60mm were tagged with raw data included in https://github.com/NewGraphEnvironment/fish_passage_skeena_2022_reporting/tree/main/data/2023.
198220 Tea Creek Hwy 37 563431 6109637 CO,CRS,CT,DV,RB,ST 19.4 High high Moderate value habitat. Only a few areas with fines suitable for spawning. Mostly cobbles in stream. Wide channel throughout with a lot of woody debris. Large amounts of undercut banks that can provide cover. But not many deep pools. Some steep eroding banks found every so often.
198222 Pinenut Creek Babine Slide FSR 587054 6138716 DV 3.9 High high Medium value habitat in high energy glaciated system with numerous areas of multiple channel and islands and elevated bars. Minnowtrapping conducted upstream and downstream with Dolly varden captured. 13:44:56
198225 Sterritt creek Babine Slide FSR 584899 6152502 1.3 Low no fix Large system with steeper gradients. No historical fisheries data from upstream. Site revisited in 2023 to conduct fish sampling however surveyors observed a 2-3m high near vertical cascade flowing over bedrock into the small outlet pool just below the FSR. Site no longer considered priority as fish passage will not be rectified by structure replacement.
198236 Tributary to Kitwanga River Kitwancool Branch 2 FSR 550300 6140708 2.4 Medium moderate Skeena Fisheries Commission site. High value habitat, abundant gravels suitable for resident and anadronous spawning. Debris in downstream section potentially an access issue. Frequent pools due to LWD in canyon that was not logged. 14:48

fpr::fpr_table_cv_summary(dat = pscis_phase2) %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Summary of Phase 2 fish passage reassessments.', scroll = F)
Table 4.3: Summary of Phase 2 fish passage reassessments.
PSCIS ID Embedded Outlet Drop (m) Diameter (m) SWR Slope (%) Length (m) Final score Barrier Result
8530 No 0.30 2.4 1.4 3.0 28 39 Barrier
197379 No 0.47 1.5 4.3 1.5 26 34 Barrier
198215 No 1.10 3.7 1.4 4.0 32 42 Barrier
198216 Yes 0.00 2.0 2.8 0.5 24 14 Passable
198217 No 0.60 2.5 2.2 3.5 10 36 Barrier
198220 No 0.72 4.8 1.0 1.5 75 34 Barrier
198222 No 0.45 3.8 2.2 2.5 30 37 Barrier
198225 No 2.00 2.4 1.5 3.5 30 42 Barrier
198236 No 0.24 1.7 1.4 2.0 10 26 Barrier

tab_cost_est_phase2_report |> 
  # remove STerritt since it has natural barrier so not recommended for replacemnt
  dplyr::filter(`PSCIS ID` != 198225) |> 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Cost benefit analysis for Phase 2 assessments. Steelhead rearing model used (total length of stream segments <7.5% gradient)',
                 scroll = gitbook_on)
Table 4.4: Cost benefit analysis for Phase 2 assessments. Steelhead rearing model used (total length of stream segments <7.5% gradient)
PSCIS ID Stream Road Result Habitat value Stream Width (m) Fix Cost Est (in $K) Habitat Upstream (m) Cost Benefit (m / $K) Cost Benefit (m2 / $K)
8530 Sandstone Creek Mcdonell FSR Barrier Medium 3.8 OBS 450 5700 12.7 21.5
197379 Alvin Creek Morice-Owen FSR Barrier High 6.4 OBS 800 840 1.0 3.4
198215 Dale Creek Kispiox Westside Rd Barrier High 3.8 OBS 2050 800 0.4 1.0
198217 Tributary to Skeena River Sik-e-dakh Water Tower Rd Barrier High 6.0 OBS 450 800 1.8 5.0
198220 Tea Creek Hwy 37 Barrier High 4.2 OBS 22875 19420 0.8 2.1
198222 Pinenut Creek Babine Slide FSR Barrier High 13.1 OBS 450 3920 8.7 35.7
198236 Tributary to Kitwanga River Kitwancool Branch 2 FSR Barrier Medium 3.0 OBS 450 2400 5.3 6.1

tab_hab_summary %>% 
  filter(Location %ilike% 'upstream') %>% 
  select(-Location) %>% 
  rename(`PSCIS ID` = Site, `Length surveyed upstream (m)` = `Length Surveyed (m)`) %>%
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Summary of Phase 2 habitat confirmation details.', scroll = F)
Table 4.5: Summary of Phase 2 habitat confirmation details.
PSCIS ID Length surveyed upstream (m) Channel Width (m) Wetted Width (m) Pool Depth (m) Gradient (%) Total Cover Habitat Value
8530 600 3.8 2.3 0.6 3.2 moderate high
197379 800 6.4 3.1 0.7 4.8 moderate high
198215 800 3.8 2.3 0.5 7.0 moderate medium
198217 300 6.0 3.4 0.4 2.5 moderate high
198217 100 1.6 1.4 10.0 moderate medium
198217 275 5.0 3.3 0.3 4.7 moderate high
198220 600 4.2 2.8 0.4 3.9 moderate medium
198222 650 13.1 5.7 0.4 3.6 trace medium
198225 500 12.2 5.5 0.4 4.4 abundant medium
198236 500 3.0 2.6 0.4 5.8 moderate high

fpr::fpr_table_wshd_sum() %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = paste0('Summary of watershed area statistics upstream of Phase 2 crossings.'),
                                 footnote_text = 'Elev P60 = Elevation at which 60% of the watershed area is above', scroll = F)
Table 4.6: Summary of watershed area statistics upstream of Phase 2 crossings.
Site Area Km Elev Site Elev Min Elev Max Elev Median Elev P60 Aspect
8530 14.2 814 810 1282 1040 1029 SSW
197379 32.9 672 688 1418 931 909 SSW
198215 8.8 250 359 1173 802 689 E
198216 5.5 237 243 1287 483 401 ESE
198217 5.5 245 243 1287 483 401 ESE
198220 52.2 251 229 1141 587 568 SSW
198222 21.5 277 420 1964 1077 1006 SW
198225 14.4 369 470 2296 1441 1334 SW
198236 4.8 449 528 1760 1001 916 SE
* Elev P60 = Elevation at which 60% of the watershed area is above

bcfp_xref_plot <- xref_bcfishpass_names %>% 
  filter(!is.na(id_join) &
           !bcfishpass %ilike% 'below' &
           !bcfishpass %ilike% 'all' &
           !bcfishpass %ilike% '_ha' &
           (bcfishpass %ilike% 'rearing' | 
              bcfishpass %ilike% 'spawning')) 

bcfishpass_phase2_plot_prep <- bcfishpass %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 1)) %>%
    filter(stream_crossing_id %in% (pscis_phase2 %>% pull(pscis_crossing_id))) %>% 
  select(stream_crossing_id, all_of(bcfp_xref_plot$bcfishpass)) %>% 
  # filter(stream_crossing_id != 197665) %>% 
  mutate(stream_crossing_id = as.factor(stream_crossing_id)) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = ch_spawning_km:st_rearing_km)  %>% 
  filter(value > 0.0 &
         , !name %ilike% 'sk'
         ) %>% 
    # name = stringr::str_replace_all(name, '_belowupstrbarriers_km', ''),
         name = stringr::str_replace_all(name, '_rearing', ' rearing'),
         name = stringr::str_replace_all(name, '_spawning', ' spawning'))
    # rename('Habitat type' = name,
    #        "Habitat (km)" = value)
 bcfishpass_phase2_plot_prep %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = stream_crossing_id, y = value)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")+
  facet_wrap(~name, ncol = 2)+
  ggdark::dark_theme_bw(base_size = 11)+
   theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5)) +
  labs(x = "Site", y = "Modelled habitat (km)")
Summary of potential habitat upstream of habitat confirmation assessment sites estimated based on modelled channel width and upstream channel length.

Figure 4.2: Summary of potential habitat upstream of habitat confirmation assessment sites estimated based on modelled channel width and upstream channel length.

4.2.1 Fish Sampling

Fish sampling was conducted at 8 sites with a total of 146 fish captured. Fork length data was used to delineate salmonids based on life stages: fry (0 to 65mm), parr (>65 to 110mm), juvenile (>110mm to 140mm) and adult (>140mm) by visually assessing the histograms presented in Figure 4.3. A summary of sites assessed are included in Table 4.7 and raw data is provided in Attachment 3. A summary of density results for all life stages combined of select species is also presented in Figure 4.4. Results are presented in greater detail within individual habitat confirmation site appendices.

Histograms of fish lengths by species.  Fish captured by electrofishing during habitat confirmation assessments.

Figure 4.3: Histograms of fish lengths by species. Fish captured by electrofishing during habitat confirmation assessments.

tab_fish_sites_sum %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(caption_text = 'Summary of electrofishing sites.', scroll = F)
Table 4.7: Summary of electrofishing sites.
site passes ef_length_m ef_width_m area_m2 enclosure
197379_ds_ef1 1 5 5.00 25.0 Open
197379_us_ef1 1 11 1.70 18.7 Open
8530_ds_ef1 1 14 2.40 33.6 Open
8530_ds_ef2 1 15 3.33 50.0 Open
8530_ds_ef3 1 11 4.15 45.7 Open
8530_us_ef1 1 17 2.40 40.8 Open
8530_us_ef2 1 21 2.40 50.4 Open
8530_us_ef3 1 21 2.80 58.8 Open

plot_fish_box_all <-  fish_abund %>% #tab_fish_density_prep
      !species_code %in% c('MW', 'SU', 'NFC', 'CT', 'LSU')
    ) %>%
    ggplot(., aes(x = location, y =density_100m2)) +
    facet_grid(site ~ species_code, scales ="fixed", #life_stage
               as.table = T)+
    # theme_bw()+
    theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title.x=element_blank()) +
    geom_dotplot(binaxis='y', stackdir='center', dotsize=1)+
    ylab(expression(Density ~ (Fish/100 ~  m^2))) +

Boxplots of densities (fish/100m2) of fish captured by electrofishing during habitat confirmation assessments.

Figure 4.4: Boxplots of densities (fish/100m2) of fish captured by electrofishing during habitat confirmation assessments.

4.3 Engineering Design - Phase 3

Engineering designs have been completed for replacement of PSCIS crossing 58159 on McDowell Creek (Irvine 2021) with a clear-span bridge and for removal of the collapsed bridge (PSCIS crossing 197912) on Robert Hatch Creek. Designs for McDowell and Robert Hatch were procured by SERNbc and Canadian Wildlife Federation respectively. At the time of reporting, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, in collaboration with Canadian Wildlife Federation was in the process of procuring designs for remediation of fish passage at three sites documented in Irvine (2021) including PSCIS 123445 on Tyhee Creek, PSCIS 124500 on Helps Creek and PSCIS 197640 on a tributary to Buck Creek. Additionally, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure were procuring a design for PSCIS crossing 124420 on Station Creek (also know as Mission Creek) near New Hazleton (pers. comm. Sean Wong, Environmental Programs, MoTi).

4.4 Climate Change Risk Assessment

Preliminary climate change risk assessment data for Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure sites is presented below. Phase 1 sites are contained in Table 4.8, and Phase 2 sites are in Table 4.9. Raw data is provided here.


df_transpose <- function(df) {
  df %>% 
    tidyr::pivot_longer(-1) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = 1, values_from = value)


tab_moti_phase1 %>% 
  select(-contains('Describe'), -contains('Crew')) %>% 
  rename(Site = pscis_crossing_id,
         'External ID' = my_crossing_reference,
         `MoTi ID` = moti_chris_culvert_id,
         Stream = stream_name,
         Road = road_name) %>% 
  mutate(across(everything(), as.character)) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column() %>% 
  df_transpose() %>% 
  janitor::row_to_names(row_number = 1) %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(scroll = gitbook_on,
                 caption_text = 'Preliminary climate change risk assessment data for Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure sites (Phase 1 PSCIS)')
Table 4.8: Preliminary climate change risk assessment data for Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure sites (Phase 1 PSCIS)
Site 198200 198215 198216 198197 198209 198206 198186 198221 198196 198202 198201 198207
External ID 8300012 8300042 8300054 8300105 8300111 8300118 8300162 8300178 8300186 8300188 8300917 2022090501
MoTi ID 1528424 1524776 3321227 3321236 1524149 1525645 1524552 1529688 1524780 1529371 1528426 1524566
Stream Tea Creek Dale Creek Tributary to Skeena River Tributary to Kispiox River Tributary to Kispiox River Tributary to McCully Creek Tributary to Kispiox River Tributary to Kitwanga River Tributary to Kispiox River Tributary to Kitwanga River Tributary to Tea Creek Tributary to Kispiox River
Road Moore Road Date Creek FSR Kispiox Valley Road Kispiox Valley Road Kispiox Valley Road Helen Lake Road Poplar Park Road 11A Ave Date Creek FSR Hwy 37 Moore Road Poplar Park Rd
Erosion (scale 1 low - 5 high) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1
Embankment fill issues 1 (low) 2 (medium) 3 (high) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Blockage Issues 1 (0-30%) 2 (>30-75%) 3 (>75%) 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2
Condition Rank = embankment + blockage 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 6 4
Likelihood Flood Event Affecting Culvert (scale 1 low - 5 high) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 1
Consequence Flood Event Affecting Culvert (scale 1 low - 5 high) 1 3 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 5 2 3
Climate Change Flood Risk (likelihood x consequence) 1-6 (low) 6-12 (medium) 10-25 (high) 1 3 4 4 3 1 1 4 1 15 4 3
Vulnerability Rank = Condition Rank + Climate Rank 4 7 8 8 6 4 5 8 5 18 10 7
Traffic Volume 1 (low) 5 (medium) 10 (high) 3 3 8 5 5 1 4 1 7 9 5 1
Community Access - Scale - 1 (high - multiple road access) 5 (medium - some road access) 10 (low - one road access) 8 3 10 7 5 5 8 1 9 8 9 1
Cost (scale: 1 high - 10 low) 8 5 2 4 7 1 7 1 6 2 8 10
Constructibility (scale: 1 difficult -10 easy) 9 5 2 6 7 10 8 9 5 4 8 10
Fish Bearing 10 (Yes) 0 (No) - see maps for fish points 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0
Environmental Impacts (scale: 1 high -10 low) 7 7 9 6 1 10 8 9 6 4 7 10
Priority Rank = traffic volume + community access + cost + constructability + fish bearing + environmental impacts 45 33 41 38 25 27 35 31 33 27 47 32
Overall Rank = Vulnerability Rank + Priority Rank 49 40 49 46 31 31 40 39 38 45 57 39


df_transpose <- function(df) {
  df %>% 
    tidyr::pivot_longer(-1) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = 1, values_from = value)


tab_moti_phase2 %>% 
  purrr::set_names(nm = xref_moti_climate %>% pull(report)) %>%
  select(-my_crossing_reference) %>% 
  select(-contains('Describe'), -contains('Crew')) %>% 
  rename(Site = pscis_crossing_id,
         `MoTi ID` = moti_chris_culvert_id,
         Stream = stream_name,
         Road = road_name) %>% 
  mutate(across(everything(), as.character)) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column() %>% 
  df_transpose() %>% 
  janitor::row_to_names(row_number = 1) %>% 
  fpr::fpr_kable(scroll = gitbook_on,
                 caption_text = 'Preliminary climate change risk assessment data for Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure sites (Phase 2 PSCIS)')
Table 4.9: Preliminary climate change risk assessment data for Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure sites (Phase 2 PSCIS)
Site 198215 198216 198220
MoTi ID 1524776 3321227 4092
Stream Tributary to Kispiox River Tributary to Skeena River Tea Creek
Road Date Creek FSR Kispiox Valley Road Highway 37
Erosion (scale 1 low - 5 high) 1 1 3
Embankment fill issues 1 (low) 2 (medium) 3 (high) 1 1 1
Blockage Issues 1 (0-30%) 2 (>30-75%) 3 (>75%) 2 2 1
Condition Rank = embankment + blockage 4 4 5
Likelihood Flood Event Affecting Culvert (scale 1 low - 5 high) 1 1 1
Consequence Flood Event Affecting Culvert (scale 1 low - 5 high) 3 4 5
Climate Change Flood Risk (likelihood x consequence) 1-6 (low) 6-12 (medium) 10-25 (high) 3 4 5
Vulnerability Rank = Condition Rank + Climate Rank 7 8 10
Traffic Volume 1 (low) 5 (medium) 10 (high) 3 8 9
Community Access - Scale - 1 (high - multiple road access) 5 (medium - some road access) 10 (low - one road access) 3 10 1
Cost (scale: 1 high - 10 low) 5 2 1
Constructibility (scale: 1 difficult -10 easy) 5 2 2
Fish Bearing 10 (Yes) 0 (No) - see maps for fish points 10 10 10
Environmental Impacts (scale: 1 high -10 low) 7 9 2
Priority Rank = traffic volume + community access + cost + constructability + fish bearing + environmental impacts 33 41 25
Overall Rank = Vulnerability Rank + Priority Rank 40 49 35